XAT Para Jumbles questions are one of the common types of questions in the XAT Verbal and Logical Ability section. Hence, it is very much important to get a good hand of practice on these questions. Checking with the XAT syllabus will help you with all the important topics and areas to focus. In the actual exam, PJs are slightly hard to tackle, and hence it is imperative to practice as many as you can.
We have compiled all the most important Para Jumbles that have repeated across the years. You could download them as PDFs and practice at your convenience. Another advantage of these questions is that they give you a fair idea of the type and difficulty of the actual PJs in the XAT exam. Another important post-exam recommendation we'd like to make is to check our XAT score calculator that'll help you to know to your expected scores and percentiles after the exam.
Read the following statements and answer the question that follows.
A. Whatever that might be on Europa—far from the Sun, and beneath kilometers of ice
—it will not be sunlight.
B. The final ingredient for a habitable world is a source of energy for life to exploit.
C. On Earth almost every living thing ultimately depends on photosynthesis for its
energy, including the rich ecosystems in the ocean depths, discovered in the 1980s and
which helped the idea of life on Europa gain a foothold.
D. Their inhabitants do not benefit from sunlight directly, but their metabolisms are
powered by chemicals created in the photosynthesizing, oxygen-rich surface oceans
far above.
E. That is a bit of a problem.
Which of the following sequences is the MOST logically ordered?
correct answer:-4
Read the following statements and answer the question that follows.
A. The treaty tests of a budget deficit no bigger than 3% of the GDP and a public debt converging towards a ceiling of 60% of a GDP seemed impossible for Italy to pass by 1999.
B. That Belgium also had a public debt above 100 percent of GDP helped, as did a special euro tax Mr. Prodi introduced.
C. Into the uncompromising environment came the first of a series of external shocks. One of the earliest was entry into the European single currency, the euro, in 1999.
D. But when it became clear in 1997 that Spain was determined to join from the start, Romano Prodi, then Italian prime minister, decided that Italy, as a founder member of the bloc, must be there too.
E. Germany had more or less designed the 1992 Maastricht treaty’s convergence criteria to keep out a profligate, chronically indebted Italy.
Which of the following sequences is the MOST logically ordered?
correct answer:-2
Read the following statements and answer the question that follows.
A. Back then, they were owned by companies and installed on their premises.
B. Rooms and servers began to replace computer mainframes in the 1990’s.
C. These were supplemented by processors from Intel, which by the mid-2000s translated its dominance of PC semiconductors into a near monopoly of the server market.
D. They mostly ran on chips made by IBM and HP, the big tech of the day.
E. Things started to change once again around a decade ago, when Amazon began selling some of its spare server capacity.
Which of the following combinations is the MOST logically ordered
correct answer:-3
Go through the statements below and answer the question that follows.
A. Maybe you have survived major trauma and have a hard time feeling safe.
B. You’ll probably discover that your fear and struggles make sense on account of what you’ve lived through.
C. Instead of beating yourself up for reacting in ways you don’t understand, you can develop compassion for yourself and what you’ve been through.
D. Perhaps you have experienced a sudden death, and you are often anxious about the health of your loved ones.
E. You may also find out that you have more strength than you knew, the same strength that has sustained you this far.
Which of the following combinations is the MOST logically ordered?
correct answer:-1
Arrange the following into a meaningful sequence:
1. I’m not sure when I first became aware of the Singularity.
2. In the almost half century that I've immersed myself in computer and related
technologies, I've sought to understand the meaning and purpose of the continual upheaval that I have witnessed at many levels.
3. Gradually, I've become aware of a transforming event looming in the first half of the twenty first century.
4. I'd have to say it was a progressive awakening.
5. Just as a black hole in space dramatically alters the patterns of matter and energy accelerating toward its event horizon, this impending Singularity in our future is increasingly transforming every institution and aspect of human life, from sexuality
to spirituality.
correct answer:-2
Arrange the following into a meaningful sequence:
1. Our knowledge about life developed over the centuries thanks to the many philosophers, physicists, chemists and biologists, who examined such complex matters according to their different points of view.
2. Out of this long history, I wish to quote here only one date, the year 1953.
3. In that year, Miller and Urey carried out their famous experiment about the primordial universal soup, whose foundations had already been expounded by the Russian chemist Alexandre Oparin in 1924.
4. From a mixture of five gases, methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and water vapor, and an electric discharge as the source of energy, complex molecules were produced, including amino acids.
correct answer:-5
Arrange the following sentences in a LOGICAL sequence:
1. But when it comes to companies that lack computer programmers, the government is far more sympathetic.
2. As a result, limited access to foreign talent is a common gripe of tech founders and venture capitalists.
3. And, demand for the latter has soared among British startups.
4. This is less inconsistent than it may seem.
5. An HGV driver takes between six and ten weeks to train; a competent coder several years.
correct answer:-2
Arrange the following sentences in a LOGICAL sequence:
1. In America, primary-age pupils are on average five months behind where they would usually be in maths, and four months in reading, according to McKinsey, a consultancy.
2. As a new school year gets under way in many countries, the harm caused by months of closure is becoming ever clearer.
3. The crisis will accelerate that trend.
4. The damage is almost certainly worse in places such as India and Mexico, where the disruption to schooling has been greater.
5. Even before pandemic, parents around the world were growing more willing to pay for extra lessons in the hope of boosting their children’s education.
correct answer:-1
Read the following statements and answer the question that follows.
1. Some countries are, at least, trying to curb emissions.
2. Morocco is building a colossal solar-power plant in the desert.
3. States in the Middle East and North Africa can do little on their own to mitigate climate change.
4. Saudi Arabia is not going to stop exporting oil, but it plans to build a solar plant that will be about 200 times the size of the biggest such facility operating today.
5. Politics often gets in the way of problem solving.
Arrange the above five statements in a logical sequence.
correct answer:-4
Read the following statements and answer the question that follows.
1. Behavioral models in finance most often critique the efficient market hypothesis, which states that if investors behave rationally then prices should reflect all available information about the financial asset in consideration.
2. A number of behavioral models, including feedback models where investors bid up the price, have been used to explain this phenomenon.
3. But asset price bubbles and crashes belie this conclusion.
4. Finance is one of the fields where behavioral models have been used extensively, enough for behavioral finance.
5. This idea of “irrational exuberance” is now widely accepted and used in financial analysis, especially while analyzing asset price bubbles.
Arrange the above five statements in a logical sequence.
correct answer:-3
Go through the statements below and answer the question that follows:
P. Fast food intake for more than three times a week is associated with greater odds of atopic disorders such as asthma, eczema or rhinitis. Thus, it should be definitely and strictly controlled in children as it does no good.
Q. Regular junk food intake can lead to physical and psychological issues among children.
R. Lack of Vitamins such as A and C, and minerals such as magnesium and calcium, encourage the development of deficiency diseases and osteoporosis, as well as dental caries due to higher intake.
S. Junk food, which are rich in energy with lots of fat and sugar, are relatively low in other important nutrients such as protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
T. Emotional and self-esteem problems, along with chronic illnesses in later life due to obesity, are the issues associated with the junk food.
Which of the following combinations is the MOST logically ordered?
correct answer:-1
Go through the statements below and answer the question that follows:
P. Surabhi’s Instagram profile has 1.4 million followers. It is filled with pictures of her posing in different settings.
Q. In India, reports suggest that WhatsApp (Much more than Facebook or Twitter) is the primary tool for the dissemination of political communication.
R. Political campaigns pay social media companies to promote their content.
S. Political advertising on social media comes in many forms and remains underexamined in India.
T. Social media influencers are used for the dissemination of content.
Which of the following combinations is the MOST logically ordered?
correct answer:-4
Read the following statements and answer the question that follows:
1. They subjected the residues from sherds of the rhyta- vessels to radiocarbon dating to determine their ages and chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS) - to identify their structure and isotopic composition and found that the vessels were used to store cheese.
2. In many Neolithic sites near the Adriatic Sea, researchers unearthed cone-shaped clay vessels, known as rhyta, with four legs on the bottom and a round opening on the side.
3. Fresh milk couldn’t be kept for long without going bad; cheese, on the other hand, could be stored for months at a time, providing much-needed calories to early farmers between harvests.
4. Archaeologists who used to assume animals such as cows and goats were mainly used for meat early in their domestication history are thus forced to admit that humans might have been using animals for dairy quite early in their domestication history.
5. “If you kill one cow, you eat meat for about a week until it goes off; but by milking the animals, the farmer would be spreading the food gain from that animal over several months rather than just one week”
Rank the above five statements so as to make it a logical sequence:
correct answer:-4
Read the following statements and answer the question that follows:
1. An in-depth exploration of the Indian case and case studies of early adopters of mobile technology will provide spectrum managers a pragmatic and modern approach whereby they could utilize their resources efficiently and optimally.
2. Even as spectrum management regimes are moving from a command and control regime to a flexible use regime, new technological developments are suggesting that there are significant opportunities in managing large swathes of spectrum as a common property resource, in addition to flexible use.
3. Political legacies and market realities in different regimes pose unique challenges for spectrum managers who must negotiate a tricky path to the land promised by technological possibility.
4. On the other hand, supply of spectrum is restricted due to competing nature of uses and vested interests of incumbent holders.
5. The demand for spectrum has never been so acute as today's communication services extend beyond simple voice to complex data and video, augmented by evolving technologies such as peer-to-peer sharing, social networking, Fourth and Fifth Generation networks, Big Data, and cloud computing.
Rank the above five statements so as to make it a logical sequence:
correct answer:-5
Read the Following statements and answer the question that follows:
1. But its most advanced formulation is called superstring theory, which even predicts the precise number of dimensions: ten.
2. However, the theory has already swept across the major physics research laboratories of the world and has irrevocably altered the scientific landscape of modern physics, generating a staggering number of research papers in the scientific literature (over 5,000 by one count).
3. Scientifically, the hyperspace theory goes by the names of Kaluza-Klein theory and supergravity.
4. The usual three dimensions of space (length, width, and breadth) and one of time are now extended by six more spatial dimensions.
5. We caution that the theory of hyperspace has not yet been experimentally confirmed and would, in fact, be exceedingly difficult to prove in the laboratory.
Rank the above five statements so as to make it a logical sequence:
correct answer:-1
Read the Following statements and answer the question that follows:
1. It is less appealing, but morally more urgent, to understand the actions of the perpetrators.
2. It is easy to sanctify policies or identities by the deaths of the victims.
3. The victims were people; a true identification with them would involve grasping their lives rather than grasping at their deaths.
4. The moral danger, after all, is never that one might become a victim but that one might be a perpetrator or a bystander.
5. By definition the victims are dead, and unable to defend themselves from the use that others make of their deaths.
Rank the above five statements so as to make it a logical sequence:
correct answer:-3
Read the following statements and answer the question that follows:
1.This is Russia’s Wild West, though the mountains lie to the south of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
2.The Caucasus range has throughout history held Russians, especially fierce nationalists like Solzhenitsyn, in fear and awe.
3.Here, between the Black and Caspian seas, is a land bridge where Europe gradually vanishes amid a six-hundred-mile chain of mountains as high as eighteen thousand feet - mesmerizing in their spangled beauty, especially after the yawning and flat mileage of the steppe lands to the north.
4.Here, since the seventeenth century, Russian colonizers have tried to subdue congeries of proud peoples: Chechens, Ingush, Ossetes, Daghestanis, Abkhaz, Kartvelians, Kakhetians, Armenians, Azeris, and others.
5.Here, the Russians encountered Islam in both its moderation and implacability.
Which of the following options is the best logical order of the above statements?
correct answer:-2
Read the following statements and answer the question that follows:
1.The periodic table orders the elements in a way that helps to understand why atoms behave as they do.
2.The properties of the elements are due to electronic configuration, and their recurring pattern gives rise to periodicity.
3.In other words, what gives the elements their properties and what order lies below the surface of their seemingly random nature?
4.What makes Fluorine react violently with Caesium while its nearest neighbour neon is reluctant to react with anything?
Which of the following options is the best logical order of the above statements?
correct answer:-2
The FIRST and the LAST sentences of the paragraph are numbered 1 & 6. The others, labelled as P, Q, R and S are given below:
1. The word “symmetry” is used here with a special meaning, and therefore needs to be defined.
P. For instance, if we look at a vase that is left-and-right symmetrical, then turn it 180° around the vertical axis, it looks the same.
Q. When we have a picture symmetrical, one side is somehow the same as the other side.
R. When is a thing symmetrical - how can we define it?
S. Professor Hermann Weyl has given this definition of symmetry: a thing is symmetrical if one can subject it to a certain operation and it appears exactly the same after operation.
6.We shall adopt the definition of symmetry in Weyl’s more general form, and in that form we shall discuss symmetry of physical laws.
Which of the following combinations is the MOST LOGICALLY ORDERED?
correct answer:-4
The first and the last sentences of the paragraph are numbered 1 & 6. The others, labeled as P, Q,R and S, are given below:
1. The world of cinema is indeed a strange one and baffles many a critic.
P. But there are incorrigible optimists who see a bright future.
Q. The pundits still predict doom and they insist that it is the end of the road for cinema.
R. At the temples of the box office, fortunes are made and unmade.
S. The world of cinema has, they say, its own attraction.
6. Perhaps a positive outlook is not unwarranted. A doomsday approach is far too fatal at this stage.
Which of the following combinations given below is the most logically ordered?
correct answer:-3