XAT Time, Distance and Work questions

XAT 2024 Time, Distance and Work questions

Question 1

A flight, traveling to a destination 11,200 kms away, was supposed to take off at 6:30 AM. Due to bad weather, the departure of the flight got delayed by three hours. The pilot increased the average speed of the airplane by 100 km/hr from the initially planned average speed, to reduce the overall delay to one hour.

Had the pilot increased the average speed by 350 km/hr from the initially planned average speed, when would have the flight reached its destination?

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XAT 2022 Time, Distance and Work questions

Question 1

Kim’s wristwatch always shows the correct time, including ‘am’ and ‘pm’. Jim’s watch is identical to Kim’s watch in all aspects except its pace, which is slower than the pace of Kim’s watch. At 12 noon on January 1st, Jim sets his watch to the correct time, but an hour later, it shows 12:57 pm. At 12 noon on the next June 1st, Jim resets his watch to the correct time.

On how many instances between, and including 12 noon on the two dates mentioned, do Jim’s and Kim’s watches show the exact same time, including the ‘am’ and the ‘pm’?

XAT 2021 Time, Distance and Work questions

Question 1

On the bank of the pristine Tunga river, a deer and a tiger are joyfully playing with each other. The deer notices that it is 40 steps away from the tiger and starts running towards it. At the same time, the tiger starts running away from the deer. Both run on the same straight line. For every five steps the deer takes, the tiger takes six. However, the deer takes only two steps to cover the distance that the tiger covers in three. In how many steps can the deer catch the tiger?

Question 2

Four friends, Ashish, Brian, Chaitra, and Dorothy, decide to jog for 30 minutes inside a stadium with a circular running track that is 200 metres long. The friends run at different speeds. Ashish completes a lap exactly every 60 seconds. Likewise, Brian, Chaitra and Dorothy complete a lap exactly every 1 minute 30 seconds, 40 seconds and 1 minute 20 seconds respectively. The friends begin together at the start line exactly at 4 p.m. What is the total of the numbers of laps the friends would have completed when they next cross the start line together ?

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Question 3

At any point of time, let x be the smaller of the two angles made by the hour hand with the minute hand on an analogue clock (in degrees). During the time interval from 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., what is the minimum possible value of x?

Question 4

Swati can row a boat on still water at a speed of 5 km/hr. However, on a given river, it takes her 1 hour more to row the boat 12 km upstream than downstream. One day, Swati rows the boat on this river from X to Y, which is N km upstream from X. Then she rows back to X immediately. If she takes at least 2 hours to complete this round trip, what is the minimum possible value of N?

XAT 2020 Time, Distance and Work questions

Question 1

Two friends, Ram and Shyam, start at the same point, at the same time. Ram travels straight north at a speed of 10km/hr, while Shyam travels straight east at twice the speed of Ram. After 15 minutes, Shyam messages Ram that he is just passing by a large telephone tower and after another 15 minutes Ram messages Shyam that he is just passing by an old banyan tree. After some more time has elapsed, Ram and Shyam stop. They stop at the same point of time. If the straight-line distance between Ram and Shyam now is 50 km, how far is Shyam from the banyan tree (in km)? (Assume that Ram and Shyam travel on a flat surface.)

Question 2

A hare and a tortoise run between points O and P located exactly 6 km from each other on a straight line. They start together at O, go straight to P and then return to O along the same line. They run at constant speeds of 12 km/hr and 1 km/hr respectively. Since the tortoise is slower than the hare, the hare shuttles between O and P until the tortoise goes once to P and returns to O. During the run, how many times are the hare and the tortoise separated by an exact distance of 1 km from each other?

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Question 3

X, Y, and Z are three software experts, who work on upgrading the software in a number of identical systems. X takes a day off after every 3 days of work, Y takes a day off after every 4 days of work and Z takes a day off after every 5 days of work.
Starting afresh after a common day off,
i) X and Y working together can complete one new upgrade job in 6 days
ii) Z and X working together can complete two new upgrade jobs in 8 days
iii) Y and Z working together can complete three new upgrade jobs in 12 days If X, Y and Z together start afresh on a new upgrade job (after a common day off), exactly how many days will be required to complete this job?

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XAT 2018 Time, Distance and Work questions

Question 1

Abdul, Bimal, Charlie and Dilbar can finish a task in 10, 12, 15 and 18 days respectively. They can either choose to work or remain absent on a particular day. If 50 percent of the total work gets completed after 3 days, then, which of the following options is possible?

Question 2

Every day a person walks at a constant speed, $$V_1$$ for 30 minutes. On a particular day, after walking for 10 minutes at $$V_1$$, he rested for 5 minutes. He finished the remaining distance of his regular walk at a constant speed, $$V_2$$, in another 30 minutes. On that day, find the ratio of $$V_2$$ and his average speed (i.e., total distance covered /total time taken including resting time).

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Question 3

A boat, stationed at the North of a lighthouse, is making an angle of 30° with the top of the lighthouse. Simultaneously, another boat, stationed at the East of the same lighthouse, is making an angle of 45° with the top of the lighthouse. What will be the shortest distance between these two boats? The height of the lighthouse is 300 feet. Assume both the boats are of negligible dimensions.

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Question 4

A girl travels along a straight line, from point A to B at a constant speed, $$V_1$$ meters/sec for T seconds. Next, she travels from point B to C along a straight line, at a constant speed of $$V_2$$ meters/sec for another T seconds. BC makes an angle 105° with AB. If CA makes an angle 30° with BC, how much time will she take to travel back from point C to A at a constant speed of $$V_2$$ meters/sec, if she travels along a straight line from C to A?

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XAT 2017 Time, Distance and Work questions

Question 1

Four two-way pipes A, B, C and D can either fill an empty tank or drain the full tank in 4, 10, 12 and 20 minutes respectively. All four pipes were opened simultaneously when the tank is empty. Under which of the following conditions the tank would be half filled after 30 minutes?

Question 2

Arup and Swarup leave point A at 8 AM to point B. To reach B, they have to walk the first 2 km, then travel 4 km by boat and complete the final 20 km by car. Arup and Swarup walk at a constant speed of 4 km/hr and 5 km/hr respectively. Each rows his boat for 30 minutes. Arup drives his car at a constant speed of 50 km/hr while Swarup drives at 40 km/hr. If no time is wasted in transit, when will they meet again?

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XAT 2016 Time, Distance and Work questions

Question 1

A water tank has M inlet pipes and N outlet pipes. An inlet pipe can fill the tank in 8 hours while an outlet pipe can empty the full tank in 12 hours. If all pipes are left open simultaneously, it takes 6 hours to fill the empty tank. What is the relationship between M and N?

Question 2

Study the figure below and answer the question:

Four persons walk from Point A to Point D following different routes. The one following ABCD takes 70 minutes. Another person takes 45 minutes following ABD. The third person takes 30 minutes following route ACD. The last person takes 65 minutes following route ACBD. IF all were to walk at the same speed, how long will it take to go from point B to point C?

Question 3

Each day on Planet M is 10 hours, each hour 60 minutes and each minute 40 seconds. The inhabitants of Planet M use 10 hour analog clock with an hour hand, a minute hand and a second hand. If one such clock shows 3 hours 42 minutes and 20 seconds in a mirror what will be the time in Planet M exactly after 5 minutes?

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Question 4

Pradeep could either walk or drive to office. The time taken to walk to the office is 8 times the driving time. One day, his wife took the car making him walk to office. After walking 1km, he reached a temple when his wife called to say that he can now take the car. Pradeep figure that continuing to walk to the office will take as long as walking back home and then driving to the office. Calculate the distance between the temple and the office.

XAT 2015 Time, Distance and Work questions

Question 1

Devanand’s house is 50 km West of Pradeep’s house. On Sunday morning, at 10 a.m., they leave their respective houses.

Under which of the following scenarios, the minimum distance between the two would be 40 km?

Scenario I: Devanand walks East at a constant speed of 3 km per hour and Pradeep walks South at a constant speed of 4 km per hour.
Scenario II: Devanand walks South at a constant speed of 3 km per hour and Pradeep walks East at a constant speed of 4 km per hour.
Scenario III: Devanand walks West at a constant speed of 4 km per hour and Pradeep walks East at a constant speed of 3 km per hour.

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