XAT Profit, Loss and Interest questions

XAT 2024 Profit, Loss and Interest questions

Question 1

FS food stall sells only chicken biryani. If FS fixes a selling price of Rs. 160 per plate, 300 plates of biriyani are sold. For each increase in the selling price by Rs. 10 per plate, 10 fewer plates are sold. Similarly, for each decrease in the selling price by Rs. 10 per plate, 10 more plates are sold. FS incurs a cost of Rs. 120 per plate of biriyani, and has decided that the selling price will never be less than the cost price. Moreover, due to capacity constraints, more than 400 plates cannot be produced in a day.
If the selling price on any given day is the same for all the plates and can only be a multiple of Rs. 10, then what is the maximum profit that FS can achieve in a day?

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XAT 2023 Profit, Loss and Interest questions

Question 1

Jose borrowed some money from his friend at simple interest rate of 10% and invested the entire amount in stocks. At the end of the first year, he repaid 1/5th of the principal amount. At the end of the second year, he repaid half of the remaining principal amount. At the end of third year, he repaid the entire remaining principal amount. At the end of the fourth year, he paid the last three years’ interest amount. As there was no principal amount left, his friend did not charge any interest in the fourth year. At the end of fourth year, he sold out all his stocks. Later, he calculated that he gained Rs. 97500 after paying principal and interest amounts to his friend. If his invested amount in the stocks became double at the end of the fourth year, how much money did he borrow from his friend?

Question 2

Separately, Jack and Sristi invested the same amount of money in a stock market. Jack’s invested amount kept getting reduced by 50% every month. Sristi’s investment also reduced every month, but in an arithmetic progression with a common difference of Rs. 15000. They both withdrew their respective amounts at the end of the sixth month. They observed that if they had withdrawn their respective amounts at the end of the fourth month, the ratio of their amounts would have been the same as the ratio after the sixth month.
What amount of money was invested by Jack in the stock market?

Question 3

Rajnish bought an item at 25% discount on the printed price. He sold it at 10% discount on the printed price. What is his profit in percentage?

XAT 2022 Profit, Loss and Interest questions

Question 1

Sheela purchases two varieties of apples - A and B - for a total of Rupees 2800. The weights in kg of A and B purchased by Sheela are in the ratio 5 : 8 but the cost per kg of A is 20% more than that of B. Sheela sells A and B with profits of 15% and 10% respectively.

What is the overall profit in Rupees?

XAT 2021 Profit, Loss and Interest questions

Question 1

Mohan has some money (₹M) that he divides in the ratio of 1:2. He then deposits the smaller amount in a savings scheme that offers a certain rate of interest, and the larger amount in another savings scheme that offers half of that rate of interest. Both interests compound yearly. At the end of two years, the total interest earned from the two savings schemes is ₹830. It is known that one of the interest rates is 10% and that Mohan deposited more than ₹1000 in each saving scheme at the start. What is the value of M?

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XAT 2020 Profit, Loss and Interest questions

Question 1

X, Y and Z start a web-based venture together. X invests Rs. 2.5 lakhs, Y invests Rs. 3.5 lakhs, and Z invests Rs. 4 lakhs. In the first year, the venture makes a profit of Rs. 2 lakhs. A part of the profit is shared between Y and Z in the ratio of 2:3, and the remaining profit is divided among X, Y and Z in the ratio of their initial investments. The amount that Z receives is four times the amount that X receives. How much amount does Y receive?

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XAT 2019 Profit, Loss and Interest questions

Question 1

A firm pays its five clerks Rs. 15,000 each, three assistants Rs. 40,000 each and its accountant Rs. 66,000. Then the mean salary in the firm comprising of these nine employees exceeds its median salary by rupees

Question 2

An article is marked x% above the cost price. A discount of $$\frac{2}{3}$$x% is given on the marked price. If the profit is 4% of the cost price and the value of x lies between 25 and 50, then the value of 50% of x is?

Question 3

A computer is sold either for Rs.19200 cash or for Rs.4800 cash down payment together with five equal monthly installments. If the rate of interest charged is 12% per annum, then the amount of each installment (nearest to a rupee) is:

XAT 2018 Profit, Loss and Interest questions

Question 1

The price of a product is P. A shopkeeper raises its price by X% and then offers a discount of Y% on the raised price. The discounted price again becomes P. If Y is the difference between X and Y, then find X.

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XAT 2017 Profit, Loss and Interest questions

Question 1

A shop, which sold same marked price shirts, announced an offer - if one buys three shirts then the fourth shirt is sold at a discounted price of ₹ 100 only. Patel took the offer. He left the shop with 20 shirts after paying ₹ 20,000. What is the marked price of a shirt?

XAT 2016 Profit, Loss and Interest questions

Question 1

Rani bought more apples than oranges. She sells apples at Rs. 23 apiece and makes 15% profit. She sells oranges at Rs. 10 apiece and marks 25% profit. If she gets Rs. 653 after selling all the apples and oranges, find her profit percentage.

XAT 2015 Profit, Loss and Interest questions

Question 1

The Maximum Retail Price (MRP) of a product is 55% above its manufacturing cost. The product is sold through a retailer, who earns 23% profit on his purchase price. What is the profit percentage (expressed in nearest integer) for the manufacturer who sells his product to the retailer? The retailer gives 10% discount on MRP.

Question 2

In the beginning of the year 2004, a person invests some amount in a bank. In the beginning of 2007, the accumulated interest is Rs. 10,000 and in the beginning of 2010, the accumulated interest becomes Rs. 25,000. The interest rate is compounded annually and the annual interest rate is fixed. The principal amount is:

XAT 2013 Profit, Loss and Interest questions

Question 1

Mr. Mehra is planning for higher education expenses of his two sons aged 15 and 12. He plans to divide Rs 15 lakhs in two equal parts and invest in two different plans such that his sons may have access to Rs 21 lakhs each when they reach the age of 21. He is looking for plans that will give him a simple interest per annum. The rates of interest of the plans for his younger son and his elder son should be

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XAT 2012 Profit, Loss and Interest questions

Question 1

A man borrows 6000 at 5% interest, on reducing balance, at the start of the year. If he repays 1200 at the end of each year, find the amount of loan outstanding, in , at the beginning of the third year.

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Question 2

Nikhil’s mother asks him to buy 100 pieces of sweets worth 100/-. The sweet shop has 3 kinds of sweets, kajubarfi, gulabjamun and sandesh. Kajubarfi costs 10/- per piece, gulabjamun costs 3/- per piece and sandesh costs 50 paise per piece. If Nikhil decides to buy at least one sweet of each type, how many gulabjamuns should he buy?

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Question 3

A potter asked his two sons to sell some pots in the market. The amount received for each pot was same as the number of pots sold. The two brothers spent the entire amount on some packets of potato chips and one packet of banana chips. One brother had the packet of banana chips along with some packets of potato chips, while the other brother just had potato chips. Each packet of potato chips costs 10/- and the packet of banana chips costs less than 10/-. The packets of chips were divided between the two brothers so each brother received equal number of packets. How much money should one brother give to the other to make the division financially equitable?

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Question 4

Ram and Shyam form a partnership (with Shyam as working partner) and start a business by
investing 4000 and 6000 respectively. The conditions of partnership were as follows:
1. In case of profits till 200,00 per annum, profits would be shared in the ratio of the invested capital.
2.Profits from 200,001 till 400,000 Shyam would take 20% out of the profit, before the division of remaining profits, which will then be based on ratio of invested capital.
3.Profits in excess of 400,000, Shyam would take 35% out of the profits beyond 400,000, before the division of remaining profits, which will then be based on ratio of invested capital.
If Shyam’s share in a particular year was 367000, which option indicates the total business
profit (in ) for that year?

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