XAT International GK Questions

XAT 2021 International GK questions

Question 1

What is the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?

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XAT 2019 International GK questions

Question 1

Name the two countries with which India has inked agreements to enable the successful mission called ‘Gaganyaan’ that is slated for 2022.

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Question 2

Republic of Armenia is a UN member state but is not recognized by one of the UN member states. Identify the state.

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XAT 2018 International GK questions

Question 1

Match the surnames of head of states (former or current) to the countries.

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Question 2

Match the rockets/missions to their space agencies:

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XAT 2017 International GK questions

Question 1

Which of the following animals’ conservation status was changed from “endangered” to “vulnerable” by WWF recently?

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XAT 2016 International GK questions

Question 1

The Island that are under dispute of ownership between Japan and China are:

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Question 2

Timbuktu is:

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Question 3

Which Sea lies to the west of Yemen and Saudi Arabia?

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Question 4

Consider the following statements:
1. Sinai is a part of Egypt.
2. Sinai is in Asia.
3. Sinai is in Africa.
4. Russian plane was downed in Sinai in November 2015.

Which of the above statements are true?

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Question 5

In 2015, which country was ranked number one as “as best place to do business in”?

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Question 6

Read the following statements:
1. Russia supports President Assad of Syria.
2. Saudi Arabia opposes President Assad of Syria.
3. Iran supports President Assad.
4. The United President Assad.

Which of the above statements are true:

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Question 7

Angus Deaton is a famous:

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Question 8

Which of the following commodity is not rightly matched with its country, if ‘right match’ is considered as one of the top five producers of that commodity?

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Question 9

Which of the following countries has the lowest External Debt?

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Question 10

Which of the following is the closest country to Antarctica?

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XAT 2015 International GK questions

Question 1

What is “Quantitative Easing”?

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Question 2

Consider the following statements related to Ukraine:
i. It supplies gas to Russia.
ii. Russia sells gas to Ukraine.
iii. Sochi is not located in Ukraine.
iv. In a referendum, people of Crimea decided to be a part of Ukraine.
v. Simferopol is the Capital of Crimea.

Which of the following options contains wrong statement(s) related to Ukraine?

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Question 3

Which of the following statements is closely associated with Boko Haram ?

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XAT 2014 International GK questions

Question 1

The following women have been honoured with The Nobel Peace Prize, except:

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