Free CAT Mock Tests 2025 With Video Solutions By 100%iler

The most effective way to prepare for CAT is to test -> assess -> remedy and repeat. Start by taking three free CAT mocks and topic-wise tests from a 100 percentiler. Assess where you stand by taking a free CAT 2025 mocks in the latest exam pattern (2-hour). Every year, 30-40 thousand CAT aspirants take Cracku's free CAT mocks. This year CAT exam is expected to be conducted on 30th November, 2025. With not long to go for the exam, you can take CAT mock tests free today to kickstart your preparation.

Free CAT Topic-wise Tests

Topic Name Take Test
Mensuration Take test
Routes And Networks Take test
Odd One Out Take test
Verbal Ability Take test
Time Speed Distance Take test
Simple Interest Compound Interest Take test
Remainders Take test
Averages Take test
Profit And Loss Take test
Percentages Take test
Logarithms Take test
Coordinate Geometry Take test
Algebra Take test
Arithmetic Take test
Number Series Take test
Averages Mixtures Alligations Take test
Time And Work Take test
Inequalities Take test
Number Systems Take test
Data Interpretation Take test
Venn Diagrams Take test
Probability, Combinatorics Take test
Time, Distance and Work Take test
Para Summary Take test
Table with Missing values Take test
Special Charts Take test
Charts Take test
Data Interpretation Basics Take test
Miscellaneous LR Take test
Data change over a period Take test
Quant Based DI Take test
Quadratic Equations Take test
Logarithms, Surds and Indices Take test
Functions, Graphs and Statistics Take test
Vocabulary Take test
DI Miscellaneous Take test
Puzzles Take test
Games and Tournamnents Take test
Scheduling Take test
DI with connected data sets Take test
Critical Reasoning Take test
Maxima-Minima Take test
Data Sufficiency Take test
Profit, Loss and Interest Take test
Reading Comprehension Take test
Arrangement Take test
Quant Based LR Take test
2D & 3D LR Take test
Truth Lie Concept Take test
Selection With Condition Take test
Coins and Weights Take test
Geometry Take test
Miscellaneous Take test
Progressions and Series Take test
Averages, Ratio and Proportion Take test
Venn Diagrams Take test
Para Jumbles Take test
Grammar and Sentence Correction Take test
Linear Equations Take test

Take a free CAT 2025 Mock

30 thousand plus of CAT aspirants have taken Cracku's Free CAT Mocks every year

CAT Mock Tests 2025

Welcome to our premium CAT mock series 2025. Cracku's DashCATs and Head Start mocks are closest to the actual CAT exam and are taken by thousands of aspirants every year. Our platform offers a range of practice tests to simulate the CAT exam environment, allowing you to identify your strengths, weaknesses, areas for improvement and enhance your test-taking strategies. Prepare for the CAT exam with our comprehensive mocks designed to help you assess your skills and readiness for the exam.

Download CAT Previous Year Papers as PDF

Solve all previous papers from 1990 to 2024 at your convenience by downloading PDFs. Every CAT question has a detailed video solution.

CAT Score vs Percentile 2024

cat 2023 lrdi score vs percentile | cat 2023 qa score vs percentile | cat 2023 qa score vs percentile | cat 2023 overall score vs percentile

Cracku CAT Mock Platform Features

Difficulty Analysis
Timeline Graph
All-India Performance
Time Spent Analysis
Video Solutions & Analysis
Detailed Explanation
CAT Mock Live Attempt
Doubts Solving CAT Mocks

CAT Exam Mock Test Pattern

Cracku CAT mock series are made very similar to previous CAT papers in terms of difficulity level, topics and type of the questions.

CAT Mock Pattern VARC DILR Quant Total

No. of Questions

24 22 22 68

Time alloted

40 Minutes 40 Minutes 40 Minutes 2 Hours

CAT Mock Test 2025 - Section-wise Weightage

Each CAT mock might vary in terms of number of questions asked per topic, last two of CAT papers provide some rough info on what can be expected in this test series.

CAT VARC Analysis 2024

There was a slight change in CAT 2024 VARC section as para jumbles were excluded from the section and one question increased in each of Para summary and Para insertion

Topic Slot-1 Slot-2 Slot-3
Reading Comprehension (RC) 16 (4+4+4+4) 16 (4+4+4+4) 16 (4+4+4+4)
Para Summary 3 3 3
Odd One Out/Para Completion 2 2 2
Para Insertion 3 3 3
Total Questions 24 24 24

CAT DILR Analysis 2024

In CAT 2024 the DILR pattern changed as compared to CAT 2023. The overall questions changed from 20 to 22. Moreover, in CAT 2023 there were 4 sets of 5 questions each but in CAT 2024 there were 2 sets of 5 questions each and 3 sets of 4 questions each. The distribution of the sets is given in the below table.

DILR Section No. of Que's Slot-1 Slot-2 Slot-3
Set-1 4 DI - Candle Stick DI (Rating) Bar Graph
Set-2 4 DI - Bar Graph Schematic Diagram DI (GDP of Countries)
Set-3 4 Arrangement DI (2 Graphs) Table with Missing Values
Set-4 5 Games and Tournament Puzzle (Rating) Line Graph
Set-4 5 DI (Lengthy Set) Arrangements Network of Roads

CAT Quant Analysis 2024

Topic Name Slot-1 Slot-2 Slot-3
Number System 3 2 3
Logarithms, Surds and Indices 2 2 3
Inequalities and linear equations 1 2 2
PnC and Probability 0 1 0
Quadratic Equations 2 2 0
Averages, Ratios and Proportion 5 4 3
Time, Work and Distance 2 2 3
Profit, Loss and Interest 2 2 3
Geometry 3 2 3
Progressions and Series 2 1 2
Functions and Graphs 1 2 2

Which is the Best CAT Test Series 2025?

A best CAT mock test series for 2025 preparation is one which fulfills all of the conditions below:

  • Similar to actual exam pattern
  • Similar level of difficulty of the mock (with slightly above that of the CAT exam) 
  • Should not be too difficult (demoralizing aspirants from appearing for CAT)
  • Should contain easy, doable and difficult questions
  • Should teach how to not miss low hanging fruits
  • Contain detailed explanations
  • Should be made by exam experts

Download all CAT Formulas, Theorems as PDF

Get all important formulaes, tips, tricks, theorems in the form of pdf for quick look-up

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Cracku CAT Mock Test Reviews


Saarthak Jadon

CAT 2024 - 99.80%ile

Cracku has played a pivotal part in CAT prep from the top notch lectures by Sayali ma'am and Maruti sir to the comprehensive and vast repository of quality resources. The mocks were the closest to cat and played a crucial role for me to strengthen my weaknesses


Myron Pereira

CAT 2024 - 99.34%ile

Good quality difficult level mocks are provided by the team. I would highly recommend it to all serious CAT aspirants.


Kaushik Rajshekhar Kunale

CAT 2024 - Topper

The DashCats by Cracku immensely helped in the preparation. The mocks helped cover all topics and the difficulty level helped get used to tough stressful situations.


Vishesh Garg

CAT 2024 - 99.81%ile

I bought Cracku's test series for my CAT preparation for the CAT 2024 examination. The mock tests were really helpful for the preparation because they actually prepare you for all the adversities that you might face on the exam days. Like all the mocks had different kind of levels for every section. So they give you a comprehensive preparation and confidence to get into exam whether it will come difficult or easy. You are well prepared if you are giving Cracku mocks.



CAT 2024 - 99.48%ile

I found CrackU mocks to be extremely helpful in my preparation. The mocks covered all question models, ensuring that I was well-prepared for any type of question. The difficulty level was perfectly aligned with my preparation needs, providing an ideal challenge. The study plan was comprehensive and well-structured, allowing me to cover all essential topics in a systematic way. Additionally, the concepts were explained clearly, making it easy to grasp and apply them effectively. I'm grateful for the overall support it provided.


Aaditya Prashant Mehar

CAT 2024 - 99.97%ile

Cracku’s mocks and study room were crucial to my success. They helped me fine tune my exam strategy and made me ready for whatever challenges the exam would throw at me. The daily targets kept me regular and gave me an insight into what topics I needed to work on.


Parth Piyush Jogi

CAT 2024 - 99.34%ile

DashCats by Cracku prepared me for the toughest situations. The mocks helped me perfect my strategy and also help me perform better in the actual examination. I also would like to Thank Maruti Sir and Sayali Mam for constant guidance in my CAT Preparation Journey.


Ikjot Singh Sra

CAT 2024 - 99.43%ile

CRACKU's test series was extremely helpful. The Dashcat's had a mix of standard and innovative questions whereas the Headstart mocks were freakishly similar to actual cat. Thank you CrackU! PS: I wore the Dashcat toppers t-shirt to the exam hall for that extra confidence :)


Vedant Bang

CAT 2024 - 99.82%ile

I was enrolled in Cracku's CAT Test series. The Dashcat mocks prepare you for the worst case and helps you build the temperament. The Headstart mocks exactly replicate the level of difficulty in the actual CAT, including the interface which is same as CAT. Regularly appearing in the mocks helped me to finalize my attempt strategy.


Mohit Dalmia

CAT 2024 - 99.60%ile

I was able to get 99.6 percentile in 3 months due to Sayali Mam's concept videos and Maruti Sir's Guidance. Moreover the mocks are very high quality mocks, and it really prepares you for CAT. Really thankful to the Cracku Team, Glad I chose them. 


Devnani Jaikumar Mukesh

CAT 2024 - 99.78%ile

The test series from Cracku proved to be very helpful in my preparation for CAT 2024. The DASHCATS were challenging and had a lot of unique problems which helped me cover a lot of different question types in all three sections and also had video solutions which were to the point and easy to understand. The faculty attempts also helped to get an idea of different methods which could be used to solve the questions and I'm thankful to Maruti sir and Sayali ma'am for taking the time to attempt the mocks as well as create the video solutions for them. I would definitely recommend the test series to anyone preparing for the CAT and OMETs.


Yash Mishra

CAT 2024 - 99.94%ile

Cracku mocks have been incredibly helpful in my preparation journey. They provided exposure to a diverse range of Quant and LRDI questions, significantly enhancing my problem-solving skills. The faculty live attempt feature was the highlight, as it helped me develop an effective paper attempt strategy. I highly recommend Cracku to anyone aiming to ace their exams!


Aman Verma

CAT 2024 - 99.94%ile

I took DashCAT Mocks by CrackU which helped in preparing me for tougher scenarios for LRDI and Quants. VARC section was very helpful as well since the explanations by Sayali Mam were on point and helped to attain a good understanding of the subject.


Tanush Choukhani

CAT 2024 - 99.32%ile

Cracku's mocks were instrumental in my CAT 2024 success. Their difficulty level consistently pushed me beyond my limits, preparing me for the toughest questions I encountered on the actual exam. The detailed analysis and performance tracking helped me identify my weaknesses and focus on improvement. I'm incredibly grateful to Cracku for helping me achieve 99.32 percentile overall and an outstanding 99.59 percentile in Quants.


Rounak Tikmani

CAT 2024 - 99.69%ile

Cracku's best mocks and amazing daily targets helped me highly in my CAT Preparation. Challenging and relevant is the motto. Thanks CrackU for every help in my CAT journey. CrackU Mocks are the best in the market and the content is unmatched


Rohit Mohta

CAT 2024 - 99.91%ile

Cracku's sectional tests and mock tests were at par with the CAT. The mocks provided by Cracku were top-notch and conditioned me to give my best on the D day. I thank Cracku for helping me crack CAT.

Free CAT Mock Tests 2025 With Video Solutions

All the mocks provide answers and video solutions at the end of each test. You can learn new methods of answering the given questions by viewing the solutions. These online CAT mocks free attempt will test your ability and will provide you AIR (All India Rank) for each mock based on your performance. CAT mock test time duration is 2 hours. These tests serve as the best CAT sample test online papers with detailed text explanations.

We provide a total of 50+ full-length national level mocks - 3 Free CAT mock tests, 20 Premium CAT mocks, five mocks each for XAT, NMAT, SNAP, CMAT, CUET PG and MAH MBA CET Mocks. All the mocks are closest to the actual exam in terms of difficulty and latest exam pattern. Practice free mock test for CAT 2025, which gives you AIR and percentile to improve your speed & accuracy and to discover your strengths and weaknesses.

Go to Free CAT mock test 1

Best CAT Online Test Series 2025

Three Free CAT Sectional Mock Tests - VARC | DILR | Quant

Many students who enrolled for the DashCAT Test series scored well in the actual CAT exam and Cracku's mock series is rated as the best online CAT mock test series. You can also attempt individual sectional mocks besides CAT full-length mocks. Take CAT sectional tests (test time duration is 40 minutes) to improve your performance in the sections you are weak in.

DashCAT Mocks By IIM Alumni

We, at Cracku, put in a great deal of effort to ensure that we get the mix right. Each mock is crafted with the result in mind. Every CAT mock is tested rigorously to ensure that it stays true to the pattern of the exam. The level of difficulty of each question is decided with great care to ensure that when put together, the questions form a harmonious mock.

Each CAT mock paper is provided with a sophisticated interface that lets you analyze your performance in great detail. The All-India rank and percentile will be available immediately on completing the mock test. The interface does a SWOT analysis based on your performance in the mock test. This, in turn, will help you to identify and work on your weak spots.

All these tests have been crafted having the level of the corresponding exams in mind. We believe that the combination of all these features puts us in a good stead to contend for the best online CAT mock test series.

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