
Question Numbers: (55 to 58)

In a square layout of site 5m ~ 5m 25 equal-sized square platforms of different heights are built. The heights (in metre) of individual platforms are as shown below:

Individuals (all of same height) are seated on these platforms. We say an individual A can reach individual B, if all the three following conditions are met;

(i) A and B are In the same row or column
(ii) A is at a lower height than B
(iii) If there is/are any individuals (s) between A and B, such individual(s) must be at a height lower than that of A. 

Thus in the table given above, consider the Individual seated at height 8 on 3rd row and 2nd column. He can be reached by four individuals. He can be reached by the individual on his left at height 7, by the two individuals on his right at heights of 4 and 6 and by the individual above at height 5. 

Rows in the layout are numbered from top to bottom and columns are numbered from left to right.

Question 24

Which of the following statements is true about this layout?


Let us go by options.

Option A: In first row, 6 is reached by 3, 1 by none, 2 by none, 4 by 3, 3 by none. Hence, ruled out.

Option B: Third row, every individual is approached by other.

Option D:  In first row, 6 is reached by 3, 1 by none, 2 by none, 4 by 3, 3 by none. Hence, ruled out.

Hence, Option C is correct.

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