XAT 2020 Question Paper


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 51

Two lighthouses, located at points A and B on the earth, are 60 feet and 40 feet tall respectively. Each lighthouse is perfectly vertical and the land connecting A and B is perfectly flat. The topmost point of the lighthouse at A is A’ and of the lighthouse at B is B’. Draw line segments A’B and B’A, and let them intersect at point C’. Drop a perpendicular from C’ to touch the earth at point C. What is the length of CC’ in feet?

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Question 52

A man is laying stones, from start to end, along the two sides of a 200-meterwalkway. The stones are to be laid 5 meters apart from each other. When he begins, all the stones are present at the start of the walkway. He places the first stone on each side at the walkway’s start. For all the other stones, the man lays the stones first along one of the walkway’s sides, then along the other side in an exactly similar fashion. However, he can carry only one stone at a time. To lay each stone, the man walks to the spot, lays the stone, and then walks back to pick another. After laying all the stones, the man walks back to the start, which marks the end of his work. What is the total distance that the man walks in executing this work? Assume that the width of the walkway is negligible.

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Question 53

A rectangular swimming pool is 50 meters long and 25 meters wide. Its depth is always the same along its width but linearly increases along its length from 1 meter at one end to 4 meters at the other end. How much water (in cubic meters) is needed to completely fill the pool?

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Question 54

A shop sells bags in three sizes: small, medium and large. A large bag costs Rs.1000, a medium bag costs Rs.200, and a small bag costs Rs.50. Three buyers, Ashish, Banti and Chintu, independently buy some numbers of these types of bags. The respective amounts spent by Ashish, Banti and Chintu are equal. Put together, the shop sells 1 large bag, 15 small bags and some medium bags to these three buyers. What is the minimum number of medium bags that the shop sells to them?

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Question 55

In the figure given below, the circle has a chord AB of length 12 cm, which makes an angle of $$60^\circ$$ at the center of the circle, O. ABCD, as shown in the diagram, is a rectangle. OQ is the perpendicular bisector of AB, intersecting the chord AB at P, the arc AB at M and CD at Q. OM = MQ. The area of the region enclosed by the line segments AQ and QB,and the arc BMA, is closest to (in cm$$^2$$):

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Read the information given below and answer the 3 associated questions.
During 2015-2019, the revenues of four companies P-S were as follows:

Question 56

Which of the given companies has seen the highest year-on-year growth (in percentage) in any single year during this five-year period?

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Question 57

It was discovered later that one of the companies misreported its revenue of one of the years. If the misreported revenue is replaced by the correct revenue, the revenues of that company over the five-year period will be in an arithmetic progression. The company that misreported its revenue was

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Question 58

During the period from 2014 to 2015, the revenue increased by 25% for three of the companies and by 50% for the remaining company. The total increase in revenue, for all four companies put together, was Rs. 125 lakhs.
Which of the following CANNOT be true?

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 59

A box contains 6 cricket balls, 5 tennis balls and 4 rubber balls. Of these, some balls are defective. The proportion of defective cricket balls is more than the proportion of defective tennis balls but less than the proportion of defective rubber balls.
Moreover, the overall proportion of defective balls is twice the proportion of defective tennis balls. What BEST can be said about the number of defective rubber balls in the box?

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Question 60

When expressed in a decimal form, which of the following numbers will be non - terminating as well as non-repeating?

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