CAT DILR Questions become very important for CAT preparation because aspirants who were really good in DILR fail to score high marks in the exam because of poor set selection. Candidates end up choosing a wrong set where they get stuck and could not either solve or take very long time to solve. Henceforth, they could not achieve expected marks in the exam. To be able to handle the exam situation we advise candidates to keep practicing and gain decent experience to ace this section.

Practice DI with connected data sets questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT DI with connected data sets previous year questions test.

Practice Coins and Weights questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Coins and Weights previous year questions test.

Practice Quant Based LR questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Quant Based LR previous year questions test.

Practice Selection With Condition questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Selection With Condition previous year questions test.

Practice DI Miscellaneous questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT DI Miscellaneous previous year questions test.

Practice Charts questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Charts previous year questions test.

Practice Maxima-Minima questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Maxima-Minima previous year questions test.

Practice Data change over a period questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Data change over a period previous year questions test.

Practice 2D & 3D LR questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT 2D & 3D LR previous year questions test.

Practice Miscellaneous LR questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Miscellaneous LR previous year questions test.

Practice Table with Missing values questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Table with Missing values previous year questions test.

Practice Games and Tournamnents questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Games and Tournamnents previous year questions test.

Practice Data Interpretation Basics questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Data Interpretation Basics previous year questions test.

Practice Arrangement questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Arrangement previous year questions test.

Practice Special Charts questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Special Charts previous year questions test.

Practice Venn Diagrams questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Venn Diagrams previous year questions test.

Practice Quant Based DI questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Quant Based DI previous year questions test.

Practice Scheduling questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Scheduling previous year questions test.

Practice Puzzles questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Puzzles previous year questions test.

Practice Truth Lie Concept questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Truth Lie Concept previous year questions test.

Practice Data Interpretation questions for CAT with detailed solutions. Take free CAT Data Interpretation previous year questions test. Check whether you can let your numbers do the talking by going through these hand-picked data interpretation sets.

Practice Routes and Networks questions for CAT with detailed video and text solutions. Questions from Routes and Networks though not consistent in the CAT but the concepts are still important for all the mba entrance exams.

How to Prepare for CAT DILR?

To master this section you should have the right strategy, optimum practice and guidance from the experts as they’ll add up newer perspectives. Therefore, we advise you to follow the below mentioned expert tips that are helpful across your CAT journey.

Work on Calculation and Approximation Techniques

You need to work on improving your calculation speed. Sets from DI usually require concepts of Percentages and approximation techniques which are useful in saving up a lot of time.

Solve Previous Year Sets

Practicing all the previous year questions will give you an idea of the type of questions and sets being answered in the exam.

Keep Solving Puzzles

Practice as many puzzles as you can, though they may not be relevant for the exam. Solving puzzles such as Sudoku, Kakuro will help you build the aptitude required for the exam.

Take Mocks

Take as many mocks as you can. Mocks will help you fixate a strategy for the exam. Also, they’ll be also useful in learning to handle stress in the exam.

CAT-DILR Topic Wise Weightage

Slots DILR Set Type No. of Questions
Slot 1 VISA Scheduling LR 5
12 Rectangular Houses LR based DI 5
Rating of Restaurant DI based on statistics (Mean, Median, Mode) 5
Faculty members elections LR 5
Slot 2 Nine boxes 3x3 DI 5
5 Firms Data DI, Table with Missing Values 5
3 People Draw Competition DI 5
Rides Scheduling LR 5
Slot 3 2 ACs 4 Dealers LR based DI 5
Police Station Routes LR, Network based Set 5
Online/Offline Registration DI 5
Male/Female course enrollment LR 5

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