Students of an MBA school have got together to constitute a fund where each student has contributed Rs. 10000. This group of 20 students laid down certain rules for investment where it was agreed that 50 percent of the fund would be invested in riskless government securities while the rest 50 percent would be invested in equities. At the end of the year the group realizes that the crash in the stock market has left them with zero return on equities but 1 percent dividend gain on the shares bought. The return on the riskless government
security has been 7.8 percent in the last year. If the gains are to be divided equally, the gain per student is
correct answer:-2
A man lends some money to his friend at 5% per annum of interest rate. After 2 years, the difference between the Simple and the compound interest on money is Rs. 50. What will be the value of the amount at the end of 3 years if compounded annually?
correct answer:-4
A man sold $$\frac{3}{5}$$th of his articles at a gain of 20% and the remaining at cost price. Find the percentage gain earned in the transaction.
correct answer:-3
A trader sells 20 articles at Rs. 54 per article after giving 10% discount and gains 50% profit. If the discount is not given, the profit gained is ______
correct answer:-2
A dishonest seller sells his grocery items using a false weight and thus gains 5% for a kilogram, he uses the weight of approximately ________
correct answer:-4
Rs. XYZ was deposited at simple interest at a specific rate for 3 years. Had it been deposited at 2% higher rate, it would have fetched Rs. 360 more. Find Rs. XYZ.
correct answer:-3
A man invests a certain amount at 6% per annum simple interest and another amount at 7% per annum simple interest. His income from the interest after 2 years was Rs. 348. The ratio of the first amount to the second is 4:5. Find the total amount invested.
correct answer:-4
Mr. Suresh went into a restaurant and had a happy lunch for Rs.162. He paid for the same using a 500 rupee note. He was so happy with the meal and hence purchased a mini snack box for Rs. 37 and paid for the same using a 100 rupee note. Mr. Suresh ensured that he collected the balance from the cashier in both cases. Although he was satisfied with the service, he did not pay any tips to the server. The next day when the cashier went and deposited the money in the bank, it was found by the banker that only the two currency notes which were given by Mr. Suresh were counterfeit notes. As per policy, the bank immediately tore both the notes using their shredding machine. What is the total loss to the restaurant in this transaction ?
correct answer:-2
A property dealer sells a house for ` 6,30,000 and in the bargain makes a profit of 5%. Had he sold it for ` 5,00,000, then what percentage of loss or gain he would have made?
correct answer:-4
At a simple interest, 800 becomes 956 in three years. If the interest rate, is increased by 3%, how much would 800 become in three years?
correct answer:-3
A and B entered into a partnership investing `16,000 and `12,000 respectively. After 3 months, A withdrew `5000 while B invested `5000 more. After 3 more months, C joins the business with a capital of `21,000. The share of B exceeds that of C, out of a total profit of
`26,400 after one after by:
correct answer:-3
A shopkeeper labelled the price of his articles so as to earn a profit of 30% on the cost price. He then sold the articles by offering a discount of 10% on the labelled price. What is the actual per cent profit earned in the deal?
correct answer:-4
A mixture of 12 kg of wheat flour costing Rs.16 per kg and 4 kg of corn flour costing Rs. 2 per kg is sold at Rs.16 per kg. What is the profit made in selling 40 kg of the mixture ?
correct answer:-1
The simple interest accrued on a sum of certain principal in 8 years at the rate of 13% per year is Rs.6500. What would be the compound interest accrued on that principal at the rate of 8% per year in 2 years?
correct answer:-1
A trader makes a profit equal to the selling price of 75 articles when he sold 100 of the articles. What % profit did he make in the transaction?
correct answer:-3
In September 2009, the sales of a product were (2/3)rd of that in July 2009. In November 2009, the sales of the product were higher by 5% as compared to September 2009. How much is the percentage of increase in sales in November 2009 with respect to the base figure in July 2009?
correct answer:-3
In 4 years, Rs. 6000 amounts to Rs. 8000. In what time at the same rate will Rs. 525 amount to Rs. 700?
correct answer:-3
How many kgs of tea worth Rs. 25 per kg must be blended with 30 kgs of tea worth Rs. 30 per kg so that by selling the blended variety at Rs. 30 per kg there should be a gain of 10%?
correct answer:-1
A, B and C started a business by investing $$\frac{1}{2}$$, $$\frac{1}{3^{rd}}$$ and $$\frac{1}{6^{th}}$$ of the capital respectively. After $$\frac{1}{3^{rd}}$$ of the total time, A withdrew his capital completely and after $$\frac{1}{4^{th}}$$ of the total time B withdrew his capital. C kept his capital for the full period. The ratio in which total profit is to be divided amongst the partners is
correct answer:-3
A merchant wants to make profit by selling food grains. Which of the following will maximize his profit?
correct answer:-3