Since SNAP is a speed-based exam, you need to practice many questions on all the important topics. The topics are different from CAT. Here, you can practice more than SNAP-relevant questions for each section of all the important topics. You will also get the free video solution and SNAP-relevant study material. Learn from these resources and ace SNAP.
Thousands of students have taken Cracku's Free SNAP Mock.
This section has usually 20 questions in SNAP but if you have practiced well, you can easily score 12-14. To ace QA, you need to practice many questions from various topics in quantitative aptitude. Here we have picked up all the topics and important questions which are highly relevant to SNAP.
Inequalities is a key topic in the Quant section of the CAT exam. It involves solving mathematical expressions using symbols like <, >, â€, or â„ to understand relationships between quantities.
Data sufficiency questions help to develop the ability to think critically. Go through these data sufficiency questions to cement your concepts in place.
Geometry is one of the most important topics for CAT. Solve these geometry questions to strengthen your understanding of triangles, circles, and polygons.
Solve these functions, graphs,and statistics to learn about odd and even functions, cauchy's functions, and shifting of graphs.
Go through this excellent collection of questions to know how to approach questions based on Venn diagrams.
Solving these questions on permutations and combinations, and probability will significantly improve your chances of clearing CAT.
Though this topic might seem irrational at first, you'll fall in love with these logarithms, surds, and indices questions once your base is strong.
Power through these profit, loss, and interest questions to ensure that you never lose interest in the preparation process.
Ever wondered how long will it take to master the concepts tested in CAT ? Solve these time, speed, distance and time, and work questions to know the answer.
Practising these questions on ratios, proportions, and averages will help you to be a part of the aspirants who are not average.
Want to check how much you have progressed in your preparation? Going through this series of questions on progressions and series can help.
Solving these quadratic equations questions without debating whether it is rational or irrational to do so will help to solve some real and complex issues.
Learn how to solve questions on linear equations using various concepts such as introducing dummy variables by going through these questions.
Solve this incredible collection of number system questions to know how to understand the roots and address the factors of a problem.
Solve all previous papers at your convenience by downloading PDFs. Every question has a detailed solution.
This is one of the easiest section in SNAP. There are generally only 15 questions and you can solve them within 5-7 minutes. But accuracy is important here. Here, we have picked up all the generally asked topics and types of questions. You can practice on these questions and start solving questions.
RCs account for nearly a quarter of the total marks. Develop your ability to read between the lines by going through these RC questions.
Learn how to establish the chain of thought and use transition words, chronology, and enumeration to find out the order using these PJ questions.
Hate being verbose? Learn how to capture the essence of a paragraph in succinct lines by going through these para summary questions.
The number of questions from these topics are that not high. If the error in the previous sentence irks you, dive in to find some more in these grammar and sentence correction questions.
If meows and purrs sound sonorous to you, you'll love this collection of CAT vocabulary questions.
Thousands of students have taken Cracku's Free SNAP Mock.
This is the most important section because of the maximum number of questions and diversified questions. There are usually 25 questions and all from diverse topics of logical reasoning. You must have your basics ready to ace this section. You can check out all the important topics of Logical reasoning and DI below and see what type of questions come in SNAP. There are hundreds of questions combined so you can practice on them as well.
LRDI has been the gamechanger in the recent CATs. Learn how to develop the thought process and approach required by solving these LR sets.
Talk is cheap. Check whether you can let your numbers do the talking by going through these hand-picked data interpretation sets.
International current affairs and politics questions for SSC exams.
An important question list on recent developments in science and technology for SSC GK section.
Questions on books and movies appear frequently in SSC GK section. Go through our comprehensive list of questions to nail this topic.
A hand-picked list of questions on important events in the history that have shaped the world as we know it.
A collection of geography questions that are likely to apppear in the exam.
Exceptional SSC GK questions on important events in politics and various government schemes
An excellent collection of questions on sports, sportsmen, and sporting honours for SSC exams.
A collection SSC GK questions on who's who, peoples, their achievements, and awards.
A comprehensive collection of important SSC GK questions on the cultures of the world and Indian culture.
A comprehensive list of questions on computer knowledge and awareness that one must master to ace the SSC GK section.
A very important collection of questions on important abbreviations of global organizations and schemes.
An excellent collection of SSC biology questions that are likely to appear in the exam
A comprehensive collection of important SSC GK questions on the cultures of the world and Indian culture.
An important list of GK questions on noteworthy inventions and their inventors.
Important questions on facts and details about India that one should be aware of to nail the SSC GK section.
Practising SNAP questions will greatly help you get used to how the exam works. It also helps you get better at managing your time and solving problems. Doing it often makes you more confident, less worried about the test, and improves your chances of doing well. Plus, it helps find where you're not so strong, so you can work on those areas and do better on the whole exam.
The free SNAP questions resource has a lot of questions available for you to practice. It provides a large collection of questions from all the important topics and all sections, with clear explanations to help you understand better. Cracku is full of features that can help you learn difficult ideas and improve how you solve problems.
1. SNAP-relevant QA Questions with detailed solutions covering all topics
2. SNAP VA Questions with detailed solutions
3. SNAP LR Questions from all the important and new topics4. All SNAP Topic-wise Questions from SNAP's previous papers with detailed solutions5. Access to the previous year's Actual SNAP Papers to get a real taste of the exam6. Access to one free SNAP mock to test your learning. How to effectively use SNAP 2024 Resources? To maximize the SNAP resources, start with QA Questions and detailed solutions. Next, tackle VA and LR Questions for language and logical skills. Review Topic-wise Questions from past SNAP papers and see deetailed solutions for challenging problems. Use the previous year's SNAP Papers for realistic practice. Finally, take the free SNAP mock test to check your readiness. This comprehensive approach helps in thorough understanding, practice across all sections, and familiarity with the exam format.
Since the preparation phase has already started, you must be remember of the following tips:
Comprehensive Coverage for SNAP 2024 Resources
This means studying all the different parts of the SNAP exam carefully. You should focus on areas like math, reading, logic, data interpretation, and logical reasoning. Each of these parts is important for doing well in the test.
Time Management for SNAP 2024
This is about using your time wisely during the exam. You should practice answering questions quickly and accurately. Time management helps make sure you can finish all the questions within the given time.
Regular Revision
Revision means going over what you've learned again and again. It helps you remember things better for the exam. So, keep revisiting your notes, practice questions, and important formulas to make sure you understand everything well.
The important subjects are quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning, data interpretation, and verbal ability.
Practice regularly with time-bound mock tests, use shortcuts for calculations, and prioritize easier questions to improve time management.
It helps you understand the exam pattern, types of questions, and time management. It also familiarizes you with important topics and boosts confidence.
Ans. Create a study schedule, allocate time to each subject daily, revise regularly, solve practice questions, take mock tests, and stay focused and consistent in your preparation.
Right now, work on accuracy. Once the accuracy is developed, then, start working on Speed. Most importantly, do not compromise on accuracy for speed.