SNAP Biology Questions

SNAP 2014 Biology questions

Question 1

The branch of medical science which is concerned with the study of disease as it affects a community of people is called

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Question 2

World Wildlife Fund on released the Living Planet Report 2014. In this context, consider the following statements
I. The theme of the report is Species and Spaces, People and Places.
II. Populations of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles have declined by 52 percent since 1970
III. Freshwater species have declined by 76 percent
IV. The report's measure of humanity's Ecological Footprint is provided by the Global Footprint Network
Which is/are correct?

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SNAP 2009 Biology questions

Question 1

Dendrochronology is

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Question 2

Bio-diesel is extracted from the following plant:

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Question 3

Rafflesia arnoldii is its botanical name and it holds a world record in the plant world. What’s the record?

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SNAP 2008 Biology questions

Question 1

Find the most accurate description of ‘Bt Cotton’

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Question 2

Milk, Cheese and Eggs are the source of

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Question 3

If bilirubin is high in a human body, which organ is most affected?

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SNAP 2007 Biology questions

Question 1

The human cell contains

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Question 2

Egg is a rich source of nutrients except

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SNAP 2006 Biology questions

Question 1

What level of noise is considered permissible in human habitats?

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Question 2

If saccharine, an artificial sweetener which is 70 times sweeter than sugar, is kept in the open, which one of these insects will it attract first

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Question 3

How many calories are there in one litre of water

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Question 4

Tamiflu is

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