A, B and C start a business each investing Rs 20000. After 5 months A withdrew Rs 5000, B Rs 4000 and C invested Rs 6000 more. At the end of the year a total profit of Rs 69900 was recorded. What is the share of B?
The profit fraction will be divided based on the amount spent and the investment time
For A, the investment = (20,000*5) +(15,000*7) = 205,000
For B, the investment = (20,000*5) + ( 16,000*7) = 212,000
For C, the investment = (20,000*5) + ( 26,000*7) = 282,000
Profit share of B =Â $$\frac{212000}{205000+212000+282000}$$ =Â $$\frac{212}{699}$$
Share of B =Â $$69900\times\ \frac{212}{699}$$ = 21200
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