CAT 2002 Question Paper


There are 6 refineries, 7 depots and 9 districts. The refineries are BB, BC, BD, BE, BF and BG. The depots are AA, AB, AC, AD, AE, AF and AG. The districts are AAA, AAB, AAC, AAD, AAE, AAF, AAG, AAH, and AAI. Table A gives the cost of transporting one unit from refinery to depot. Table B gives the cost of transporting one unit from depot to a district.

Question 81

What is the least cost of sending petrol from refinery BB to district AAA?

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Question 82

How many possible ways are there for sending petrol from any refinery to any district?

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Question 83

The largest cost of sending petrol from any refinery to any district is

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The chart given below indicates the annual sales tax revenue collections (in rupees in crores) of seven states from 1997 to 2001.

The values given at the top of each bar represents the total collections in that year

Question 84

If for each year, the states are ranked in terms of the descending order of sales tax collections, how many states do not change the ranking more than once over the five years?

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Question 85

Which of the following states has changed its relative ranking most number of times when you rank the states in terms of the descending volume of sales tax collections each year?

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Question 86

The percentage share of sales tax revenue of which state has increased from 1997 to 2001?

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Question 87

Which pair of successive years shows the maximum growth rate of tax revenue in Maharashtra?

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Question 88

Identify the state whose tax revenue increased exactly by the same amount in two successive pair of years?

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Question 89

Which state below has been maintaining a constant rank over the years in terms of its contribution to total tax collections?

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The table below gives information about four different crops, their different quality, categories and the regions where they are cultivated. Based on the information given in the table answer the questions below.

Question 90

How many regions produce medium qualities of Crop-1 or Crop-2 and also produce low quality of Crop-3 or Crop-4?

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