CAT 1999 Question Paper


Consider the information provided in the figure below relating to India's foreign trade in 1997-98 and the first eight months of 1998-99.

Total trade with a region is defined as the sum of exports to and imports from that region.
Trade deficit is defined as the excess of imports over exports. Trade deficit may be negative.

A:USA. B:Germany C:Other EU. D:U.K.  E:Japan  F:Russia  

G:Other East Europe  H:OPEC   I:Asia  J:Other LDCs  K:Others 

Question 141

Assume that the average monthly exports from India and imports to India during the remaining four months of 1998-99 would be the same as that for the first eight months of the year. What is the region to which India’s exports registered the highest percentage growth between1997-98 and 1998-99?

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Question 142

Assume that the average monthly exports from India and imports to India during the remaining four months of 1998-99 would be the same as that for the first eight months of the year. What is the percentage growth rate in India’s total trade deficit between 1997-98 and 1998-99?

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These questions are based on the price fluctuations of four commodities - arhar, pepper, sugar and gold during February - July 1999 as described in the figures below:

Question 143

Price change of a commodity is defined as the absolute difference in ending and beginning prices expressed as a percentage of the beginning. What is the commodity with the highest price change?

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Question 144

Price volatility (PV) of a commodity is defined as follows: PV = (highest price during the period - lowest price during the period / average price during the period. What is the commodity with the lowest price volatility?

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Question 145

Mr. X, a funds manager with an investment company invested 25% of his funds in each of the four commodities at the beginning of the period. He sold the commodities at the end of the period. His investments in the commodities resulted in:

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Question 146

The price volatility of the commodity with the highest PV during the Febrauary-July period is approximately equal to:

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These questions are based on the table below presenting data on percentage population covered by drinking water and sanitation facilities in selected Asian countries.

Country A is said to dominate B or A > B if A has higher percentage in total coverage for both drinking water and sanitation facilities, and, B is said to be dominated by A, or B < A. A country is said to be on the coverage frontier if no other country dominates it. Similarly, a country is not on the coverage frontier if it is dominated by at least one other country. 

Question 147

What are the countries on the coverage frontier?

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Question 148

Which of the following statements are true?

A. India > Pakistan and India > Indonesia

B. India > China and India > Nepal

C. Sri Lanka > China

D. China > Nepal

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Question 149

Using only the data presented under Sanitation facilities columns, it can be concluded that rural population in India, as a percentage of its total population is approximately

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Question 150

Again, using only the data presented under Sanitation facilities columns, sequence China, Indonesia and Philippines in ascending order of rural population as a percentage of their respective total populations. The correct order is:

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