Ghosh Babu has a certain amount of property consisting of cash, gold coins and silver bars. The cost of a gold coin is Rs. 4000 and the cost of a silver bar is Rs. 1000. Ghosh Babu distributed his property among his daughters equally. He gave to his eldest daughter gold coins worth 20% of the total property and Rs. 25000 in cash. The second daughter was given silver bars worth 20% of the remaining property and Rs. 50000 cash. Among the third and fourth daughters, he distributed the remaining gold and silver bars equally both together accounting each for 20% of the property remaining after the previous distribution. He also gave the third and fourth daughters Rs. 25000 more than what the second daughter had received in cash.
If the ratio of the gold to silver bars that Ghosh Babu had is 7:27, the number of silver bars he has is
The following questions relate to a game to be played by you and your friend. The game consists of a 4 x 4 board (see below) where each cell contains a positive integer. You and your friend make moves alternately. A move by any of the players consists of splitting the current board configuration into two equal halves and retaining one of them. In your moves you are allowed to split the board only vertically and to decide to retain either the left or the right half. Your friend, in his/her moves, can split the board only horizontally and can retain either the lower or the upper half. After two moves by each player a single cell will remain which can no longer be split and the number in that cell will be treated as the gain (in rupees) of the person who has started the game. A sample game is shown below. So your gain is Re.1. With the same initial board configuration as above and assuming that you have to make the first move, answer the following questions.
 Initial Board             Â
After your move (retain left)
After your friends move (retain upper)
After your move (retain right)
After your friends move (retain lower)
If you choose (retain right) (retain left) in your turns, the best move sequence for your friend to reduce your gain to a minimum will be
If both of you select your moves intelligently then at the end of the game your gain will be
If your first move is (retain right), then whatever moves your friend may select you can always force a gain of no less than
For the following questions answer them individually
The roots of the equation $$ax^{2} + 3x + 6 = 0$$ will be reciprocal to each other if the value of a is
A car after traveling 18 km from a point A developed some problem in the engine and speed became 4/5 of its original speed As a result, the car reached point B 45 minutes late. If the engine had developed the same problem after traveling 30 km from A, then it would have reached B only 36 minutes late. The original speed of the car (in km per hour) and the distance between the points A and B (in km.) is
A, B and C individually can finish a work in 6, 8 and 15 hours respectively. They started the work together and after completing the work got Rs.94.60 in all. When they divide the money among themselves, A, B and C will respectively get (in Rs.)
Two trains are traveling in opposite direction at uniform speed 60 and 50 km per hour respectively. They take 5 seconds to cross each other. If the two trains had traveled in the same direction, then a passenger sitting in the faster moving train would have overtaken the other train in 18 seconds. What are the lengths of trains (in metres)?
N the set of natural numbers is partitioned into subsets $$S_{1}$$ = $$(1)$$, $$S_{2}$$ = $$(2,3)$$, $$S_{3}$$ =$$(4,5,6)$$, $$S_{4}$$ = $$(7,8,9,10)$$ and so on. The sum of the elements of the subset $$S_{50}$$ is
A square is drawn by joining the midpoints of the sides of a given square. A third square is drawn inside the second square in the same way and this process is continued indefinitely. If a side of the first square is 8 cm, the sum of the areas of all the squares such formed (in
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