
Amudha, Bharatan, Chandran, Dhinesh, Ezhil, Fani and Gowtham are seven people in a town. Any pair of them could either be strangers, acquaintances, or friends. All relationships are mutual. For example, if Amudha is a friend of Bharatan, then Bharatan is also a friend of Amudha. Similarly, if Amudha is a stranger to Bharatan, then Bharatan is also a stranger to Amudha.

Partial information about the number of friends, acquaintances, and strangers of each of these people among them is given in the table below.

The following additional facts are also known.
1. Amudha, Bharatan, and Chandran are mutual strangers.
2. Amudha, Dhinesh, and Fani are Ezil's friends.
3. Chandran and Gowtham are friends.
4. Every friend of Amudha is an acquaintance of Bharatan, and every acquaintance of Bharatan is a friend of Amudha.
5. Every friend of Bharatan is an acquaintance of Amudha, and every acquaintance of Amudha is a friend of Bharatan.

Question 13

Who is an acquaintance of Amudha?


Since A, B, C are mutual strangers,( B, C )are strangers for A, (A, C) are strangers for B, (A, B) are strangers for C.

Since the total number of strangers+ acquaintances+ friends for any among the 7 is 6.

The number of friends for Amudha is 1, the number of friends for Gowtham is 1.

Using statement 3 Chandran and Gowtham are friends.

Using statement 2: Amudha, Dinesh, and Fani are Ezil’s friends. Similarly, Ezil is a friend of Amudha, Dhinesh, and Fani.

Using statement 4 Every friend of Bharatan is an acquaintance of Amudha, and every acquaintance of Amudha is a friend of Bharatan, Hence the number of acquaintances of Bharatan is equal to the number of friends of Amudha.

Using statement 5 Every friend of Amudha is an acquaintance of Bharatan, and every acquaintance Bharatan is a friend of Amudha, Hence the number of acquaintances of Amudha is equal to the number of friends of Bharatan.

Hence Bharatan has one friend, 1 Acquaintance, 4 strangers.

For Amudha we are yet to find a relationship with Dhinesh, Fani, and Gowtham. Any among the three can be the stranger for Amudha, considering the three different cases.

Case 1 :

Considering Fani as an acquaintance of Amudha, then Dhinesh and Gowtham are strangers to Amudha.

Every acquaintance of Amudha is a friend of Bharathan and since the friend and acquaintance of Bharatan are known the strangers are found for Bharatan.

Fani is an acquaintance of Amudha, hence Amudha is an Acquaintance of Fani, Fani is a friend of Bharathan and hence Bharathan is a friend of Fani. But Fani has only one friend and Ezhil is already a friend of Fani.

Hence this case fails.

Case 2 :

Considering Gowtham as an acquaintance of Amudha, then Dhinesh and Fani are strangers to Amudha.

Every acquaintance of Amudha is a friend of Bharathan and since the friend and acquaintance of Bharatan are known the strangers are found for Bharatan.Since Gowtham is a friend of Bharatan, Bharatan must be a friend of Gowtham. But Gowtham can only have one friend and it already mentioned that Chandran is a friend of Gowtham and hence this case fails.

Case 3 :

Considering Dhinesh as an acquaintance of Amudha, then Fani and Gowtham are strangers to Amudha.

Every acquaintance of Amudha is a friend of Bharathan and since the friend and acquaintance of Bharatan are known the strangers are found for Bharatan.

Since Fani, Gowtham are strangers to Amudha, Bharatan. Amudha, Bharatan are strangers to Fani, Gowtham.

The 2 strangers to Gowtham and his only friend are known. Hence his three acquaintances are (Dhinesh, Ezhil, Fani).

Hence Gowtham is an acquaintance of Dhinesh, Ezhil, and Fani.

Dhinesh is an acquaintance of Amudha and hence Amudha must be an acquaintance of Dhinesh.

Dhinesh is a friend of Bharatan and hence Bharatan is a friend of Dhinesh.

Ezhil is an acquaintance of Bharatan and hence Bharatan is an acquaintance of Ezhil. The only stranger to Ezhil who is left is Chandran. Hence Ezhil is a stranger to Chandran.

The two strangers to Dhinesh who are left are Chandran and Fani. Chandran is a stranger to Dhinesh and hence Dhinesh is a stranger to Chandran.

The only acquaintance of Chandran who is left is Fani.

The remaining relationships with Fani are Dhinesh and Chandran. Dhinesh is a stranger to Fani and Chandran is an acquaintance of Fani.

Dhinesh is an acquaintance of Amudha

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