CAT 2024 Slot 1 Question Paper


Two students, Amiya and Ramya are the only candidates in an election for the position of class representative. Students will vote based on the intensity level of Amiya’s and Ramya’s campaigns and the type of campaigns they run. Each campaign is said to have a level of 1 if it is a staid campaign and a level of 2 if it is a vigorous campaign. Campaigns can be of two types, they can either focus on issues, or on attacking the other candidate.

If Amiya and Ramya both run campaigns focusing on issues, then
• The percentage of students voting in the election will be 20 times the sum of the levels of campaigning of the two students. For example, if Amiya and Ramya both run vigorous campaigns, then 20 × (2+2)%, that is, 80% of the students will vote in the election.
• Among voting students, the percentage of votes for each candidate will be proportional to the levels of their campaigns. For example, if Amiya runs a staid (i.e., level 1) campaign while Ramya runs a vigorous (i.e., level 2) campaign, then Amiya will receive 1/3 of the votes cast, and Ramya will receive the other 2/3. The above-mentioned percentages change as follows if at least one of them runs a campaign attacking their opponent.
• If Amiya runs a campaign attacking Ramya and Ramya runs a campaign focusing on issues, then 10% of the students who would have otherwise voted for Amiya will vote for Ramya, and another 10% who would have otherwise voted for Amiya, will not vote at all.
• If Ramya runs a campaign attacking Amiya and Amiya runs a campaign focusing on issues, then 20% of the students who would have otherwise voted for Ramya will vote for Amiya, and another 5% who would have otherwise voted for Ramya, will not vote at all.
• If both run campaigns attacking each other, then 10% of the students who would have otherwise voted for them had they run campaigns focusing on issues, will not vote at all.

Question 41

If Ramya runs a campaign attacking Amiya, then what is the minimum percentage of votes that she is guaranteed to get?

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Question 42

What is the maximum possible voting margin with which one of the candidates can win?

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The chart below provides complete information about the number of countries visited by Dheeraj, Samantha and Nitesh, in Asia, Europe and the rest of the world (ROW).


The following additional facts are known about the countries visited by them.
1. 32 countries were visited by at least one of them.
2. USA (in ROW) is the only country that was visited by all three of them.
3. China (in Asia) is the only country that was visited by both Dheeraj and Nitesh, but not by Samantha.
4. France (in Europe) is the only country outside Asia, which was visited by both Dheeraj and Samantha, but not by Nitesh.
5. Half of the countries visited by both Samantha and Nitesh are in Europe.

Question 43

How many countries in Asia were visited by at least one of Dheeraj, Samantha and Nitesh?

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Question 44

How many countries in Europe were visited only by Nitesh?

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Question 45

How many countries in the ROW were visited by both Nitesh and Samantha?

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Question 46

How many countries in Europe were visited by exactly one of Dheeraj, Samantha and Nitesh?

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 47

Consider two sets $$A = \left\{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 \right\}$$ and $$B = \left\{1, 8, 27 \right\}$$. Let f be a function from A to B such that for every element in B, there is at least one element a in A such that $$f(a) = b$$. Then, the total number of such functions f is

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Question 48

Let $$x, y,$$ and $$z$$ be real numbers satisfying
The a equals

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Question 49

lf the equations $$x^{2}+mx+9=0, x^{2}+nx+17=0$$ and $$x^{2}+(m+n)x+35=0$$ have a common negative root, then the value of $$(2m+3n)$$ is

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Question 50

Suppose $$x_{1},x_{2},x_{3},...,x_{100}$$ are in arithmetic progression such that $$x_{5}=-4$$ and $$2x_{6}+2x_{9}=x_{11}+x_{13}$$, Then,$$x_{100}$$ equals

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