For the following questions answer them individually
Choose the option in which the usage of the word 'Bundle' is Incorrect or Inappropriate.
Choose the option in which the usage of the word 'Distinct' is Incorrect or Inappropriate.
Choose the option in which the usage of the word 'Implication' is Incorrect or Inappropriate.
Fill in the Blanks: The British retailer, M&S, today formally ______ defeat in its attempt to ______ King’s, its US subsidiary, since no potential purchasers were ready to cough up the necessary cash.
Fill in the Blanks: Early ______ of maladjustment to college culture is ______ by the tendency to develop friendship networks outside college which mask signals of maladjustment.
Fill in the Blanks: The ______ regions of Spain all have unique cultures, but the ______ views within each region make the issue of an acceptable common language of instruction an even more contentious one.
Fill in the Blanks: A growing number of these expert professionals ______ having to train foreigners as the students end up ______ the teachers who have to then unhappily contend with no jobs at all or new jobs with drastically reduced pay packets.
Fill in the Blanks: Companies that try to improve employees’ performance by ______ rewards encourage negative kinds of behavior instead of ______ a genuine interest in doing the work well.