
Three reviewers Amal, Bimal, and Komal are tasked with selecting questions from a pool of 13 questions (Q01 to Q13). Questions can be created by external “subject matter experts” (SMEs) or by one of the three reviewers. Each of the reviewers either approves or disapproves a question that is shown to them. Their decisions lead to eventual acceptance or rejection of the question in the manner described below.

If a question is created by an SME, it is reviewed first by Amal, and then by Bimal. If both of them approve the question, then the question is accepted and is not reviewed by Komal. If both disapprove the question, it is rejected and is not reviewed by Komal. If one of them approves the question and the other disapproves it, then the question is reviewed by Komal. Then the question is accepted only if she approves it.

A question created by one of the reviewers is decided upon by the other two. If a question is created by Amal, then it is first reviewed by Bimal. If Bimal approves the question, then it is accepted. Otherwise, it is reviewed by Komal. The question is then accepted only if Komal approves it. A similar process is followed for questions created by Bimal, whose questions are first reviewed by Komal, and then by Amal only if Komal disapproves it. Questions created by Komal are first reviewed by Amal, and then, if required, by Bimal.

The following facts are known about the review process after its completion.

1. Q02, Q06, Q09, Q11, and Q12 were rejected and the other questions were accepted.
2. Amal reviewed only Q02, Q03, Q04, Q06, Q08, Q10, Q11, and Q13.
3. Bimal reviewed only Q02, Q04, Q06 through Q09, Q12, and Q13.
4. Komal reviewed only Q01 through Q05, Q07, Q08, Q09, Q11, and Q12.

Question 40

How many questions were DEFINITELY created by Komal?

Correct Answer: 1


For a question created by externals(SME), the minimum number of reviews required is two and the maximum number of reviews is three to confirm the acceptance or the rejection.

For a question created by anyone among Amal, Bimal, Komal a question can be reviewed after one review or two reviews.

The information provided states :

Q02, Q06, Q09, Q11, and Q12 were rejected. Q01, Q03, Q04, Q05, Q07, Q08, Q10, Q13 were accepted.

For the questions :

Amal - Q02, Q03, Q04, Q06, Q08, Q10, Q11, and Q13.
Bimal - Q02, Q04, Q06, Q07, Q08, Q09, Q12, and Q13.

Komal - Q01, Q02, Q03, Q04, Q05, Q07, Q08, Q09, Q11, and Q12.

Q01 is reviewed by only Komal and is accepted hence Bimal must have prepared the question as it was accepted in a single review. (Bimal)

Q02-is reviewed by Amal, Bimal, and Komal and was rejected this has a possibility of being prepared by an external person and faced rejection by one among Amal and Bimal and Komal. (SME).

Q03-Was accepted and reviewed by Amal, Komal and hence must have been prepared by Bimal(Bimal).

Q04- Accepted and reviewed by the three of them and hence must have been prepared by an external expert. (SME).

Q05-Only reviewed by Komal and is accepted and hence must be prepared by Bimal. (Bimal)

Q06-Rejected and reviewed by Amal and Bimal. Hence could have been prepared by Komal or External and rejected by Bimal and Amal. (Komal/SME).

Q07-Accepted and reviewed by Bimal and Komal. Hence must have been prepared by Amal. (Amal).

Q08- Reviewed by Amal, Bimal, and Komal and is accepted. Hence must have been prepared by SME. (SME)

Q09- Reviewed by Bimal and Komal and is rejected. It must have been prepared by Amal and was rejected by both of them. (Amal).

Q10- Was reviewed by Amal and was accepted. Must have been prepared by Komal. (Komal)

Q11- Reviewed by Amal and Komal and was rejected. Must have been prepared by Bimal and rejected by both Amal and Komal. (Bimal)

Q12- Reviewed by Bimal and Komal and was rejected. Must have been prepared by Amal and was rejected by both Bimal and Komal. (Amal).

Q13- Reviewed by Amal and Bimal and was accepted. The question could have been prepared by Komal or SME. (Komal/SME).

Q10 was definitely prepared by Komal.

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