
Twenty five coloured beads are to be arranged in a grid comprising of five rows and five columns. Each cell in the grid must contain exactly one bead. Each bead is coloured either Red, Blue or Green. While arranging the beads along any of the five rows or along any of the five columns, the rules given below are to be followed:

1. Two adjacent beads along the same row or column are always of different colours.
2. There is at least one Green bead between any two Blue beads along the same row or column.
3. There is at least one Blue and at least one Green bead between any two Red beads along the same row or column.

Every unique, complete arrangement of twenty five beads is called a configuration.

Question 37

The total number of possible configurations using beads of only two colours is:

Correct Answer: 2


Since we are required to use only two colours, these can be either
1. Green + Blue
2. ⁠Blue + Red
3. ⁠Green + Red

But we know that Between any two Red coloured beads in a row or a column, there have to be both a Green and a Blue coloured bead. Hence without both Green and Blue, Red beads cannot be used to fill the grid.Thus if we use only Green and Blue beads, the two configurations that are possible are:


There are only 2 configurations possible


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