
on the basis of the following letter.

To the Chairman:
Dear Mr. Sailesh,
At the December 3, 2011 meeting, it was decided that no two officers would hold positions on the same committee. It has recently come to my attention that both Chaitanya Rao and Ajit Singh will be serving in
some capacity on the Cultural Committee, and both have been nominated for officer status. As you know,
this is in direct disregard for the rules as voted by the Members Council last December 3, 2011. I would
hope that sufficient action be taken by the Disciplinary Committee (on which committee both of the above are members) so that this problem will be remedied.
Arvind Singh

Question 33

Which of the following is an essential flaw that the writer of the letter overlooked?


Consider the sentence: "..........and both have been nominated for officer status." Option D proves that they are yet to become officers. It means that they are not holding the same positions.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

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