

For the following questions answer them individually

Question 1

Amit has forgotten his 4-digit locker key. He remembers that all the digits are positive integers and are different from each other. Moreover, the fourth digit is the smallest and the maximum value of the first digit is 3. Also, he recalls that if he divides the second digit by the third digit, he gets the first digit.

How many different combinations does Amit have to try for unlocking the locker?

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Question 2

Suppose Haruka has a special key $$\triangle$$ in her caculator called delta key:

Rule 1: If the display shows a one-digit number, pressing delta key $$\triangle$$ replace the displayed number with twice its value.
Rule 2: If the display shows a two-digits number, pressing delta key $$\triangle$$ replace the displayed number with the number sum of two digits.
Suppose Haruka enters the value 1 and then presses delta key $$\triangle$$ repeated.
After pressing the key for 68 times, what will be the displayed number?

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Question 3

Five students appeared for an examination. The average mark obtained by these five students is 40. The maximum mark of the examination is 100, and each of the five students scored more than 10 marks. However, none of them scored exactly 40 marks.
Based on the information given, which of the following MUST BE true?

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Question 4

A painter draws 64 equal squares of 1 square inch on a square canvas measuring 64 square inches. She chooses two squares (1 square inch each) randomly and then paints them. What is the probability that two painted squares have a common side?

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Question 5

The addition of 7 distinct positive integers is 1740. What is the largest possible “greatest common divisor” of these 7 distinct positive integers?

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Question 6

The problem below consists of a question and two statements numbered
1 & 2.
You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

In a cricket match, three slip fielders are positioned on a straight line. The distance between 1st slip and 2nd slip is the same as the distance between 2nd slip and the 3rd slip. The player X, who is not on the same line of slip fielders, throws a ball to the 3rd slip and the ball takes 5 seconds to reach the player at the 3rd slip. If he had thrown the ball at the same speed to the 1st slip or to the 2nd slip, it would have taken 3 seconds or 4 seconds, respectively. What is the distance between the 2nd
slip and the player X?

1. The ball travels at a speed of 3.6 km/hour.
2. The distance between the 1st slip and the 3rd slip is 2 meters.

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Question 7

Find the value of
$$\frac{\sin^{6}15^{\circ} + \sin^{6}75^{\circ} + 6\sin^{2}15^{\circ}\sin^{2}75^{\circ}}{\sin^{4}15^{\circ} + \sin^{4}75^{\circ} + 5\sin^{2}15^{\circ}\sin^{2}75^{\circ}}$$

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Question 8

The problem below consists of a question and two statements numbered
1 & 2.
You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

Rahim is riding upstream on a boat, from point A to B, at a constant speed. The distance from A to B is 30 km. One minute after Rahim leaves from point A, a speedboat starts from point A to go to point B. It crosses Rahim’s boat after 4 minutes. If the speed of the speedboat is constant from A to B, what is Rahim’s speed in still water?
1. The speed of the speedboat in still water is 30 km/hour.
2. Rahim takes three hours to reach point B from point A.

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Question 9

The Guava club has won 40% of their football matches in the Apple Cup that they have played so far. If they play another n matches and win all of them, their winning percentage will improve to 50. Further, if they play 15 more matches and win all of them, their winning percentage will improve from 50 to 60. How many matches has the Guava club played in the Apple Cup so far? In the Apple Cup matches, there are only two possible outcomes, win or loss; draw is not possible.

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Question 10

ABC is a triangle with BC=5. D is the foot of the perpendicular from A on BC. E is a point on CD such that BE=3. The value of $$AB^2 - AE^2 + 6CD$$ is:

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Question 11

Jose borrowed some money from his friend at simple interest rate of 10% and invested the entire amount in stocks. At the end of the first year, he repaid 1/5th of the principal amount. At the end of the second year, he repaid half of the remaining principal amount. At the end of third year, he repaid the entire remaining principal amount. At the end of the fourth year, he paid the last three years’ interest amount. As there was no principal amount left, his friend did not charge any interest in the fourth year. At the end of fourth year, he sold out all his stocks. Later, he calculated that he gained Rs. 97500 after paying principal and interest amounts to his friend. If his invested amount in the stocks became double at the end of the fourth year, how much money did he borrow from his friend?

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Question 12

Separately, Jack and Sristi invested the same amount of money in a stock market. Jack’s invested amount kept getting reduced by 50% every month. Sristi’s investment also reduced every month, but in an arithmetic progression with a common difference of Rs. 15000. They both withdrew their respective amounts at the end of the sixth month. They observed that if they had withdrawn their respective amounts at the end of the fourth month, the ratio of their amounts would have been the same as the ratio after the sixth month.
What amount of money was invested by Jack in the stock market?

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Question 13

Rajnish bought an item at 25% discount on the printed price. He sold it at 10% discount on the printed price. What is his profit in percentage?

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Question 14

Given $$A = |x + 3| + | x - 2 | - | 2x -8|$$. The maximum value of $$|A|$$ is:

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Question 15

ABC is a triangle and the coordinates of A, B and C are (a, b-2c), (a, b+4c) and (-2a,3c) respectively where a, b and c are positive numbers.
The area of the triangle ABC is:

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Question 16

Let x and y be two positive integers and p be a prime number. If x (x - p) - y (y + p) = 7p, what will be the minimum value of x - y?

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Question 17

Consider $$a_{n+1} =\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{a_{n}}}$$ for $$n = 1,2, ....., 2008, 2009$$ where $$a_{1} = 1$$. Find the value of $$a_{1}a_{2} + a_{2}a_{3} + a_{3}a_{4} + ... + a_{2008}a_{2009}$$.

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Question 18

A non-flying ant wants to travel from the bottom corner to the diagonally opposite top corner of a cubical room. The side of the room is 2 meters. What will be the minimum distance that the ant needs to travel?

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Question 19

Raju and Sarita play a number game. First, each one of them chooses a positive integer independently. Separately, they both multiply their chosen integers by 2, and then subtract 20 from their resultant numbers. Now, each of them has a new number. Then, they divide their respective new numbers by 5. Finally, they added their results and found that the sum is 16. What can be the maximum possible difference between the positive integers chosen by Raju and Sarita?

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Question 20

ABCD is a trapezoid where BC is parallel to AD and perpendicular to AB. Kindly note that BC< AD. P is a point on AD such that CPD is an equilateral triangle. Q is a point on BC such that AQ is parallel to PC. If the area of the triangle CPD is $$4\sqrt{\ 3}$$, find the area of the triangle ABQ.

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Question 21

A small jar contained water, lime and sugar in the ratio of 90:7:3. A glass contained only water and sugar in it. Contents of both (small jar and glass) were mixed in a bigger jar and the ratio of contents in the bigger jar was 85:5:10 (water, lime and sugar respectively). Find the percentage of water in the bigger jar?

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Question 22

There are three sections in a question paper and each section has 10 questions. First section only has multiple-choice questions, and 2 marks will be awarded for each correct answer. For each wrong answer, 0.5 marks will be deducted. Any unattempted question in this section will be treated as a wrong answer. Each question in the second section carries 3 marks, whereas each question in the third section carries 5 marks. For any wrong answer or un-attempted question in the second and third sections, no marks will be deducted. A student’s score is the addition of marks obtained in all the three sections. What is the sixth highest possible score?

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Go through the information given below, and answer the THREE questions that follow.Comprehension:The three graphs below capture relationship between economic (and social) activities and subjective well-being. The first graph (Graph-1) captures relationship between GDP (percapita) and Satisfaction with life, across different countries and four islands: Gizo, Roviana, Niijhum Dwip, and Chittagong. The Graph-2 captures three different measures of subjective well-being (Satisfaction with life, Affect Balance and Momentary Affect) across the four islands, which have different levels monetization (Index). The Graph-3 captures levels of thirteen different socio-economic activities across four islands.

Question 23

Which of the following will BEST capture the relationship between GDP (x-axis) and Life Satisfaction (y-axis) of countries?

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Question 24

Which of the following, about the four islands, can be BEST inferred from the graphs?

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Question 25

Which of the following site has the highest fishing to economic ratio?

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Go through the information given below, and answer the THREE questions that follow.


The table captures Age and Gender distribution of Covid Positive Cases in a country. However, a part of data is missing, represented through unknown categories.

*Includes <5 cases in age group 19-30 and 51 -60 who reported gender as Other/Transgender. * In unknown age category, the ratio of males (unknown age category) and females (unknown age catego1y) to total unknown cases (unknown age category) is same as the ratio of males (All) and females (All) to the total (Total Confirmed Covid Positive Cases).

Question 26

In unknown age category, the ratio of males (unknown age category) and females (unknown age category) to total unknown cases (unknown age category) is same as the ratio of males (All) and females (All) to the total (total confirmed covid positive cases). How many females were in the unknown age category (rounded to nearest integer)?

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Question 27

In which age category, the percentage of female covid patients is the HIGHEST?

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Question 28

Which of the following is true for “unknown gender Category”?
1. Unknown age group patients are less likely (percentage term) to provide information about gender than any other age category
2. Between 31 and 80, when age increases patients, in percentage terms, are less likely to provide information about gender
3. Elderly (81+) category patients are more likely to give information about gender than 0-18 age group

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