CAT 1990 Question Paper


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 121

Choose the set in which the statements are most logically related.
A. No fishes breathe through lungs.
B. All fishes have scales.
C. Some fishes breed up stream.
D. All whales breathe through lungs.
E. No whales are fishes.
F. All whales are mammals.

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Question 122

Choose the set in which the statements are most logically related.
A. Some mammals are carnivores.
B. All whales are mammals.
C. All whales are aquatic animals.
D. All whales are carnivores.
E. Some aquatic animals are mammals.
F. Some mammals are whales.

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Question 123

Choose the set in which the statements are most logically related.
A. First-year students of this college like to enter for the prize.
B. All students of this college rank as University students.
C. First-year students of this college are entitled to enter for he prize.
D. Some who rank as University students are First-year students.
E. All University students are eligible to enter for the prize.
F. All those who like to are entitled to enter for the prize.

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Question 124

Choose the set in which the statements are most logically related.
A. Some beliefs are uncertain.
B. Nothing uncertain is worth dying for.
C. Some belief is worth dying for.
D. All beliefs are uncertain.
E. Some beliefs are certain.
F. No belief is worth dying for.

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Question 125

Choose the set in which the statements are most logically related.
A. No lunatics are fit to serve on a jury.
B. Everyone who is sane can do logic.
C. None of your sons can do logic.
D. Some who can do logic are fit to serve on a jury.
E. All who can do logic are fit to serve on a jury.
F. Everyone who is sane is fit to serve on a jury.

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The motive force that has carried the psychoanalytic movement to a voluminous wave of popular attention and created for it considerable following those discontent with traditional methods and attitudes, is the frank direction of the psychological instruments of exploration to the insistent and intimate problems of human relations. However false or however true its conclusions, however weak or strong its arguments, however effective or defective or even pernicious its practice, its mission is broadly humanistic. Psychological enlightenment is presented as a program of salvation. By no other appeal could the service of psychology have become so glorified. The therapeutic promise of psychoanalysis came as the most novel, most ambitious, most releasing of the long procession of curative systems that mark the History of mental healing.

To the contemporary trends in psychology psychoanalysis actually offered a rebuke, a challenge, a supplement, though it appeared to ignore them. With the practical purpose of applied psychology directed to human efficiency, it had no direct relation and thus no quarrel. The solution of behaviorism, likewise bidding for popular approval by reducing adjustment to a program of conditioning, it inevitably found alien and irrelevant, as the behaviorist in reciprocity found psychoanalytic doctrine mystical, fantastic, assumptive, remote. Even to the cognate formulations of mental hygiene, as likewise in its contacts with related fields of psychology, psychoanalysis made no conciliatory advances. Towards psychiatry, its nearest of kin, it took an unfriendly position, quite too plainly implying a disdain for an unprogressive relative.

These estrangements affected its relations throughout the domain of mind and its ills; but they came to head in the practice. From the outset in the days of struggle, when it had but a sparse and scattered discipleship, to the present position of prominence, Freudianism went its own way, for the most part neglected by academic psychology. Of dreams, lapses and neuroses, orthodox psychology had little say. The second reason for the impression made by psychoanalysis when once launched against the tide of academic resistance was its recognition of depth psychology, so much closer to human motivation, so much more intimate and direct than the analysis of mental factors. Most persons in trouble would be grateful for relief without critical examination of the theory behind the practice that helped them.

Anyone at all acquainted with the ebb and flow of cures - cures that cure and cures that fail - need not be told that the scientific basis of the system is often the least important factor. Many of these systems arise empirically within a practice, which by trial, seems to give results. This is not the case in psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis belongs to the typical groups of therapies in which practice is entirely a derivative of theory. Here the pertinent psychological principle reads: Create a belief in the theory, and the fact will create themselves.

Question 126

The distinctive feature of psychoanalysis is that

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Question 127

The distinction between behaviorism and psychoanalysis that is heightened here is which of the following?

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Question 128

The statement which is refuted by the passage is this:

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Question 129

Create a belief in theory and

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Question 130

Psychoanalysis are of the opinion that

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