Question 13

For a sequence of real numbers $$x_{1},x_{2},...x_{n}$$, If $$x_{1}-x_{2}+x_{3}-....+(-1)^{n+1}x_{n}=n^{2}+2n$$ for all natural numbers n, then the sum $$x_{49}+x_{50}$$ equals


Now as per the given series :
we get $$x_1=1+2\ =3$$
Now $$x_1-x_2=\ 8$$
Now $$x_1-x_2+x_3\ =\ 15$$
so $$x_3\ =7$$
so we get $$x_n\ =\left(-1\right)^{n+1}\left(2n+1\right)$$
so $$x_{49}\ =\ 99$$ and $$x_{50}\ =-101$$
Therefore $$x_{49\ }+x_{50}\ =-2$$

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