CMAT Temporary CMAT LRDI Questions

CMAT 2025 Temporary CMAT LRDI questions

Question 1

A cat runs 20 metres towards East and turns to right, runs 10 m and turns to right, runs 9 m and turns to left, runs 5 m and turns to left, runs 12 m and finally turns to left and runs 6m. Now, which direction is the cat facing ?

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Question 2

How many square does the following figure have?

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Question 3

Four different positions of the same dice are shown below. Find the number on the face opposite the face showing 4.

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Question 4

How many such pairs of digits are there in the number 8314629 each of which has as many digits between them in the number as after arranging the digits in descending order?

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Question 5

A clock is set right at 8 am. The clock gains 8 minutes in a day. What wil l be the true time when the watch indicates 11 am the next day?

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Question 6

Four pair of words are given below, out of which the words in three pairs bear a certain common relationship.

Choose the pair in which words are differently related :

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Question 7

Find the missing number in the following figure.

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Question 8

The missing term in the following figure is:

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Question 9

A cube of white material is painted red on all its surfaces. If it is cut into 125 smaller cubes of same size, then how many cubes will have two sides painted red?

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Question 10

Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting in a straight line (not necessarily in the same order) fa cing North. Only two persons sit between F and G and G sits second to the left of B. D sits third to the left of C. E sits exactly between G and B and B sits at the extreme right end of row. Which of the following statements are correct?
(A) 'F' sits at the extreme left of the line.
(B) Two persons sit between 'E' and 'F'.
(C) 'C' sits exactly in the middle of the line.
(D) 'E' sits third to the right of 'A'.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :

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Question 11

Match List I with List II :


Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

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Question 12

The following quest ion consists of a statement and two arguments I and II. Choose the best option.
Statement : Should India make efforts to harness solar energy to fu lfi ll its energy requirements.
Arguments : I. Yes. Most of the energy sources used at present are exhaustible.
II. No. Harnessing solar energy requires a lot of capita l, which India lacks in.

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Question 13

A cube is painted red on two adjacent faces and on one opposite sides face, yellow on two opposite faces and green on the remaining face. It is then cut into 64 equal cubes. How many cubes have one red coloured face only?

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Question 14

Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) :

Assertion (A) : Seeds should be treated with fungicide solution before being sown.

Reason (R): Seeds do not germinate, unless treated with fungicide solution.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below :

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Question 15

A person walked 40 metres towards Nort h, took a left turn and walked 20 metres. He again took a left turn and walked 40 metres. How far and in which di rection is he from the starting point?

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Question 16

How many triangles does the following figure have?

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Question 17

In the following diagram, the square represents women, triangle represents corporate managers and circle represents MBAs. Which numbered part represents - women who are corporate managers and has done MBA as well?

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Question 18

The following question consists of a statement and arguments I and II. Choose the best option.

Statement : Should the renowned businessman of the country who have committed crime unknowingly, be met with special treatment ?
Argument :I Yes. The renowned businessman do not commit crime intentionally.
Argument : II No, its our policy that everybody is equal before law.

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Question 19

Identify the wrong term in the series:

69 , 55 , 26, 13,5

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Question 20

Match List I with List II :


Choose the correct answer from the opt ions given below :

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