Question 91

1.Since its birth, rock has produced a long string of guitar heroes.
A. It is a list that would begin with Chuck Berry and continue with Hendrix, Page and Clapton.
B. These are musicians celebrated for their sheer instrumental talent, and their flair for expansive, showy and sometimes self-indulgent solos.
C. It would also include players of more recent vintage, like Van-Halen and Living Colour's Vemon Reid.
D. But with the advent of alternative rock and grunge, guitar heroism became uncool.
6. Guitarists like Peter Buck and Kurt Cobain shy away from exhibitionism.


1 talks about a long string of guitar heroes. A continues with the list. So, A should be the first sentence in the list. C extends the list with a few extra guitar heroes. So, C has to come next. B discusses how the "above" guitarists are instrumentally talented and showy. 6 talks about how some guitarists are not showy. So, the line before it should introduce the non - guitar heroes. So, D comes before 6.

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