
DIRECTIONS for the following four questions:

A low-cost airline company connects ten India cities, A to J. The table below gives the distance between a pair of airports and the corresponding price charged by the company. Travel is permitted only from a departure airport to an arrival airport. The customers do not travel by a route where they have to stop at more than two intermediate airports.

Question 48

If the airports C, D and H are closed down owing to security reasons, what would be the minimum price, in rupees, to be paid by a passenger travelling from A to J?


If the airports C, D and H are closed down Ā the minimum priceĀ to be paid by a passenger travelling from A to J would be by first travelling to F and then from F to J.

The cost of travel from A to FĀ = Rs 1700

The cost of travel from FĀ to JĀ = Rs 1150

Total cost = 1700 + 1150 = Rs 2850

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