
In an 8 X 8 chess board a queen placed any where can attack another piece if the piece is present in the same row, or in the same column or in any diagonal position in any possible 4 directions, provided there is no other piece in between in the path from the queen to that piece.

The columns are labelled a to h (left to right) and the rows are numbered 1 to 8 (bottom to top). The position of a piece is given by the combination of column and row labels. For example, position c5 means that the piece is in $$c^{th}$$ column and $$5^{th}$$ row.

Question 21

If the queen is at c5, and the other pieces at positions c2, g1, g3, g5 and a3, how many are under attack by the queen? There are no other pieces on the board.


Let us draw the diagram and mark position of various pieces as given in the question. 

Attack line is shown by the yellow color. All the pieces on this line will be under attack. 

From the diagram we can see that a3, g1, c2 and g5 are under attack. Hence, option C is the correct answer. 

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