
For the following questions answer them individually

Question 1

In a circular field, AOB and COD are two mutually perpendicular diameters having length of 4 meters. X is the mid - point of OA. Y is the point on the circumference such that ∠YOD = 30°. Which of the following correctly gives the relation among the three alternate paths from X to Y?

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Question 2

If x and y are real numbers, then the minimum value of $$x^{2}+ 4xy+ 6y^{2}-4y+ 4$$ is

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Question 3

Let X be a four - digit positive integer such that the unit digit of X is prime and the product of all digits of X is also prime. How many such integers are possible?

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Question 4

There are two types of employees in Sun Metals, general graduates and engineers. 40% of the employees in Sun Metals are general graduates, and 75% of the engineers earn more than Rs. 5 lakh/year. If 50% of the organisation’s employees earn more than Rs. 5 lakh/year, what proportion of the general graduates employed by the organisation earn Rs. 5 lakh or less?

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Question 5

In an equilateral triangle ABC, whose length of each side is 3 cm, D is the point on BC such that BD = ½ CD. What is the length of AD?

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Question 6

Two poles of height 2 meters and 3 meters are 5 meters apart. The height of the point of intersection of the lines joining the top of each poles to the foot of the opposite pole is,

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Question 7

A manufacturer has 200 litres of acid solution which has 15% acid content. How many litres of acid solution with 30% acid content may be added so that acid content in the resulting mixture will be more than 20% but less than 25%?

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Answer questions based on the following information:

An automobiles company’s annual sales of its small cars depends on the state of the economy as well as on whether the company uses some high profile individual as its brand ambassador in advertisements of its product. The state of the economy is “good”, “okay” and “bad” with probabilities 0.3, 0.4 and 0.3 respectively. The company may choose a high profile individual as its brand ambassador in TV ads or may go for the TV ads without a high profile brand ambassador.

If the company fixes price at Rs. 3.5 lakh, the annual sales of its small cars for different states of the economy and for different kinds of TV ads are summarized in table 1. The figures in the first row are annual sales of the small cars when the company uses a high profile individual as its brand ambassador in its TV ads and the ones in the second row are that when the company does not use any brand ambassador in TV ads, for different states of the economy.
Table 1:

Without knowing what exactly will be the state of the company in the coming one year, the company will either have to sign a TV ad contract with some high profile individual, who will be the company’s brand ambassador for its small car for the next one year, or go for a TV ad without featuring any high profile individual. It incurs a cost of Rs. 3.45 lakh (excluding the payment to the brand ambassador) to put a car on the road.

When the company’s profit is uncertain, the company makes decisions on basis of its expected profit. If the company can earn a profit xi with probability pi (the probability depends on the state of economy), then the expected profit of the company is $$\sum_1XiPi$$

Question 8

The maximum that the company can afford to pay its brand ambassador is

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Question 9

Mr. Khan a popular film actor, agrees to sign the contract to become the company’s brand ambassador for Rs. 9 crore. The cost to the company of putting a car on the road also got escalated. The maximum escalation in cost of putting a car on the road, for which the company can afford to sign the contract with Mr.Khan is

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Question 10

Mr. Khan a popular film actor, agrees to sign the contract to become the company’s brand ambassador for Rs. 9 crore. The cost to the company of putting a car on the road also got escalated by Rs. 1000. If the company signs the contract with Mr.Khan, its profit will

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 11

Determine the value(s) of “a” for which the point $$(a, a^{2})$$ lies inside the triangle formed by the lines: 2x+ 3y= 1, x+ 2y=3 and 5x-6y= 1

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Question 12

The supervisor of a packaging unit of a milk plant is being pressurised to finish the job closer to the distribution time, thus giving the production staff more leeway to cater to last minute demand. He has the option of running the unit at normal speed or at 110% of normal - “fast speed”. He estimates that he will be able to run at the higher speed for 60% of the time. The packet is twice as likely to be damaged at the higher speed which would mean temporarily stopping the process. If a packet on a randomly selected packaging runs has probability of 0.112 of damage, what is the probability that the packet will not be damaged at normal speed?

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Let $$A_{1},A_{2},.....A_{n}$$ be then points on the straight - line y = px + q. The coordinates of $$A_{k}is(X_{k},Y_{k})$$, where k = 1, 2, ...n such that $$X_{1},X_{2}....X_{n}$$ are in arithmetic progression. The coordinates of $$A_{2}$$ is (2,–2) and $$A_{24}$$ is (68, 31).

Question 13

The y - ordinates of $$A_8$$ is

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Question 14

The number of point(s) satisfying the above mentioned characteristics and not in the first quadrant is/are

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 15

The operation (x) is defined by
(i) (1) = 2
(ii)(x  + y) = (x).(y)

for all positive integers x and y.
If $$\sum_{x=1}^n(x)$$ = 1022 then n =

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Question 16

Amarendra and Dharmendra are brothers. One day they start at the same time from their home for Tatanagar railway station in their respective cars. Amarendra took 25 minutes to reach the station. After reaching the station Amarendra found that Dharmendra is 2500 m away from the station. The distance of Tatanagar Station from their home is 15 km. Next day Dharmendra decided to start 7 minutes early. If they drive at the speed same as the previous day then Amarendra will reach the station

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Question 17

Let $$S_{1}, S_{2},...$$ be the squares such that for each n ≥ 1, the length of the diagonal of $$S_{n}$$ is equal to the length of the side of $$S_{n+1}$$. If the length of the side of $$S_{3}$$ is 4 cm, what is the length of the side of $$S_{n}$$ ?

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Question 18

In a clock having a circular scale of twelve hours, when time changes from 7:45 A.M. to 7:47 A.M., by how many degrees the angle formed by the hour hand and minute hand changes?

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Questions are followed by two statements labelled as I and II. Decide if these statements are sufficient to conclusively answer the question. Choose the appropriate answer from the options given below:
A. Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.
B. Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
C. Statement I and Statement II together are sufficient, but neither of the two alone is sufficient to answer the question.
D. Either Statement I or Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
E. Both Statement I and Statement II are insufficient to answer the question

Question 19

In the trapezoid PQRS, PS is parallel to QR. PQ and SR are extended to meet at A. What is the value of $$\angle$$PAS ?
I. PQ = 3, RS = 4 and $$\angle$$ QPS = 60°.
II. PS = 10, QR = 5.

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Question 20

A sequence of positive integer is defined as $$A_{n+1}=A_{n}^{2}+1$$ for each n ≥ 0. What is the value of Greatest Common Divisor of $$A_{900}$$ and $$A_{1000}$$ ?
I. $$A_{0} = 1$$
II. $$A_{1} = 2$$

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 21

a,  b,  c,  d and  e are integers such that 1 ≤ a < b < c < d < e. If a, b, c, d and e are geometric progression and lcm (m , n) is the least common multiple of m and n, then the maximum value of $$\frac{1}{lcm(a,b)}+\frac{1}{lcm(b,c)}+\frac{1}{lcm(c,d)}+\frac{1}{lcm(d,e)}$$ is

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Books and More sells books, music CDs and film DVDs. In December 2009, they earned 40% profit in music CDs and 25% profit in books. Music CDs contributed 35% towards their total sales in rupees. At the same time total sales in rupees from books is 50% more than that of music CDs.

Question 22

If Books and More have earned 20% profit overall, then in film DVDs they made

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Question 23

If Books and More made 50% loss in film DVDs, then overall they made

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 24

ABCD is a parallelogram with $$\angle$$ ABC = 60°. If the longer diagonal is of length 7 cm and the area of the parallelogram ABCD is $$15\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$$ sq.cm, then the perimeter of the parallelogram (in cm) is

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OABC is a square where O is the origin and AB = 1. Consider the set of points $$s = {(x_{i},y_{i})}$$ in the square such that $$x_{i}+y_{i}$$≤1. Let $$P (x_{1}, y_{1})$$ and $$Q (x_{2}, y_{2})$$ be two such points. Two operations addition (+) and multiplication (.) on S are defined as
$$P + Q = (x_{1}+x_{2} - x_{1}x_{2},y_{1}y_{2})$$
$$P.Q = (x_{1}x_{2},y_{1}+y_{2} - y_{1}y_{2})$$

Question 25

For a very large number n, $$P^{n}+ Q^{n}$$ is

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Question 26

For a very large number n, nP + nQ is

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Answer thequestions based on the data given in table 2

Cost and price data for Portland cement manufactured by Paharpur Cement and Bahsin Cement, for four consecutive quarters, are given in table 2:

Sales Revenue = Price × Sales Quantity
Profit = Sales Revenue – Cost
Profit Rate = Profit / Sales Quantity

Question 27

Profit rate of Paharpur Cement is more than the profit rate of Bahsin Cement in:

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Question 28

If between Jan - Mar 2009 and Apr - Jun 2009 sales of Paharpur Cement increased from 543278 to 698236 and that of Bahsin Cement decreased from 526532 to 499874, then which of the following is true?

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Question 29

If between Apr - Jun 2009 and Jul - Sept 2009 sales of Paharpur Cement increased by 2.25%, its profit increased by

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Answer the questions based on the information given below:

Madhubala Devi, who works as a domestic help, received Rs. 2500 as Deepawali bonus from her employer. With that money she is contemplating purchase of one or more among 5 available government bonds - A, B, C, D and E.

To purchase a bond Madhubala Devi will have to pay the price of the bond. If she owns a bond she receives a stipulated amount of money every year (which is termed as the coupon payment) till the maturity of the bond. At the maturity of the bond she also receives the face value of the bond.
Price of a bond is given by: $$P=[\sum_{t=1}^T\frac{C}{(1+r)^{t}}]+\frac{F}{(1+r)^{t}}$$

where C is coupon payment on the bond. which is the amount of money the holder of the bond receives annually; F is the face value of the bond, which is the amount of money the holder of the bond receives when the bond matures (over and above the coupon payment for the year of maturity); T is the number of years in which the bond matures;
R = 0.25, which means the market rate of interest is 25%.

Among the 5 bonds the bond A and another two bonds mature in 2 years, one of the bonds matures in 3 years, and the bond D matures in 5 years.

The coupon payments on bonds A, E, B, D and C are in arithmetic progression, such that the coupon payment on bond A is twice the common difference, and the coupon payment on bond B is half the price of bond A.

The face value of bond B is twice the face value of bond E, but the price of bond B is 75% more than the price of bond E. The price of bond C is more than Rs. 1800 and its face value is same as the price of bond A. The face value of bond A is Rs. 1000.

Bond D has the largest face value among the five bonds.

Question 30

The face value of bond E must be

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Question 31

Madhubala Devi purchased one or more of the 5 available bonds from her bonus pay and spent the remainder. She made the purchase decision such thather return from the bonds is maximized. Her return
from the bonds is

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Question 32

The price of bond C must be

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 33

If all letters of the word "CHCJL" be arranged in an English dictionary, what will be the $$50^{th}$$ word?

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Question 34

A manufacturer produces two types of products - A and B, which are subjected to two types of operations, viz. grinding and polishing. Each unit of product A takes 2 hours of grinding and 3 hours of polishing whereas product B takes 3 hours of grinding and 2 hours of polishing. The manufacturer has 10 grinders and 15 polishers. Each grinder operates for 12 hours/day and each polisher 10 hours/day. The profit margin per unit of A and B are Rs. 5/ - and Rs. 7/ - respectively. If the manufacturer utilises all his resources for producing these two types of items, what is the maximum profit that the manufacturer can earn in a day?

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Question 35

A tank internally measuring 150cm × 120cm × l00cm has $$1281600cm^{3}$$ water in it. Porous bricks are placed in the water until the tank is full up to its brim. Each brick absorbs one tenth of its volume of water. How many bricks, of 20cm × 6cm × 4cm, can be put in the tank without spilling over the water?

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Question 36

The chance of India winning a cricket match against Australia is 1/6. What is the minimum number of matches India should play against Australia so that there is a fair chance of winning atleast one match?

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Question 37

A chocolate dealer has to send chocolates of three brands to a shopkeeper. All the brands are packed in boxes of same size. The number of boxes to be sent is 96 of brand A, 240 of brand B and 336 of brand C. These boxes are to be packed in cartons of same size containing equal number of boxes. Each carton should contain boxes of same brand of chocolates. What could be the minimum number of cartons that the dealer has to send?

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based on the information given below.

The retail prices of flowers, consumer expenditure on flowers and sales of flowers for the calendar year 2009, in Phoolgaon, a small town with a population of 70000, is summarized in table 3:

Question 38

Compared to January, the total expenditure on carnations in March

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Question 39

Compared to January, the sales of roses in July

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Question 40

Compared to January, the price of carnations in December

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