
IIM Mumbai (NITIE)

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Tanaya Ahirrao


As a mainstay of Indian management education, IIM Mumbai hasn't failed to draw ambitious leaders and MBA aspirants. You must comprehend the eligibility requirements, admissions procedure, and selection techniques prior to starting this thrilling trip. This article clarifies these important points, enabling you to plan your application and raise your chances of getting into IIM Mumbai.

IIM Mumbai, previously known as NITIE, accepts both, engineers as well as non-engineers for its core MBA and other MBA programs.

IIM Mumbai Eligibility Criteria

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

The eligibility criteria for IIM Mumbai's MBA program is as follows:

  1. A Bachelor's degree with at least 50% of the possible points or an equivalent CGPA (45% for candidates from the Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), and Persons with Disability (PwD) categories) must be held by the candidate. The degree may be from any university or educational institution that has been declared to be deemed a university under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, or it may be from an institution that has been incorporated by an Act of Parliament or State legislature in India.
  2. Subject to the following requirements, students pursuing the aforementioned degree in their final year may also apply:


To apply for the programmes, candidates must attempt the Indian Institutes of Management's (IIMs) Common Admission Test (CAT).

For candidates in general: ₹ 2000 /-
For candidates who are SC, ST, or PwD: ₹ 1000.

IIM Mumbai Admission Process 2024

The selection procedure at IIM Mumbai is a three-stage process. This includes filling an online application, aptitude test, and personal interview.

Stage 1: Clearing the cut-offs

Those who satisfy the Stage I minimum requirements on the section-wise and overall percentiles in CAT 2023, as shown in the table below, will be put on the short list for Stage II consideration.

CategoryVARCDILRQAOverall Percentile

Gender diversity will be given the proper weighting in the sectional cut-offs and total CAT score.
Please take notice that depending on the number of applicants selected for personal interviews (PI) in each category, the actual section-wise and overall percentile cut-offs may be significantly higher than the minimum percentiles listed above.

Stage 2: Shortlisting for Personal Interview (PI)

Candidates who meet Stage-I requirements will be shortlisted and invited for a personal interview (PI) based on their CAT-2023 score and sectional cutoffs that take into account their reservation category and gender diversity.

Stage 3: Criteria for Final Selection for MBA Program

A composite score for final selection will be calculated for the candidates who took the PI using the parameters and matching weights. The creation of the merit list according to categories will be done using this composite score.
The applicant's Academic Performance & Work Experience Score (APWE Score) will be considered for the final selection process. The percentage of marks earned in the 10th, 12th, bachelor's degree programme, and work experience (as of December 31, 2023) will determine an applicant's APWE score. The streams that an applicant is eligible for are Science, Commerce, and Arts & Humanities.

Rating for 10th marks (multiplication factor=0.7)

Percent score in 10th gradeRating score-A
<= 551
> 55 and <= 602
> 60 and <= 703
> 70 and <= 805
> 80 and <= 908
> 9010

Rating for 12th grade marks (multiplication factor=0.7)

Science StreamCommerce StreamArts/Humanities
Percentage score in 12th gradeRating Score-BPercentage score in 12th gradeRating Score-BPercentage score in 12th gradeRating Score-B
<= 551<= 501<= 451
> 55 and <= 602> 50 and <= 552> 45 and <= 502
> 60 and <= 703> 55 and <= 653> 50 and <= 603
> 70 and <= 805> 65 and <= 755> 60 and <= 705
> 80 and <= 908> 75 and <= 908> 70 and <= 858
> 9010> 9010> 8510

Rating score for Bachelor's degree examination (multiplication factor=0.7)

Medicine and Surgery-based subjects (MBBS, MD (USA), BAMS, BDS, BHMS
Percent score in Bachelor's DegreeRating score-C
<= 551
> 55 and <= 602
> 60 and <= 623
> 62 and <= 655
> 65 and <= 708
> 7010
Percent score in Professional coursesRating score-C
<= 501
> 50 and <= 532
> 53 and <= 553
> 55 and <= 575
> 57 and <= 638
> 6310
All Commerce, Economics, Finance and Management degrees: BAF, BBA,
Management studies) and BSBA degrees
Percent score in Bachelor's DegreeRating score-C
<= 551
> 55 and <= 602
> 60 and <= 653
> 65 and <= 705
> 70 and <= 808
> 8010
All engineering, technology, architecture, science (other than medicine) and any other discipline not mentioned in other tables
Percent score in Bachelor's DegreeRating score-C
<= 601
> 60 and <= 652
> 65 and <= 703
> 70 and <= 755
> 75 and <= 858
> 8510
A;; Arts/Humanities Design, Education, Fashion. Law, and Rural Studies)
Percent score in Bachelor's DegreeRating score-C
<= 501
> 50 and <= 552
> 55 and <= 603
> 60 and <= 655
> 65 and <= 758
> 7510

Rating score for work experience (Multiplication Factor (MF) = 0.20)

Work Experience in Months (as filled in IIM Mumbai application form)Rating score-D
<12 months0
>=12 and <=36 monthsMF * (number of months of work
experience – 11)
>36 months5

The Academic Performance and Work Experience score is calculated based on the following formula: AR= [0.70*(A+B+C)+ 0.20*D]

Final category-wise merit list will be calculated based on the weightage given to the parameters as mentioned in the table below:

CAT Score55
Personal Interview (PI)20
Academic performance and work experience score20
Weightage for Gender Diversity05

So, this is the complete guide on the eligibility criteria and selection process at IIM Mumbai for you reference. Cracku wishes you all the best for your career aspirations and may you get selected in your dream B-school!

IIM Mumbai Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What is the criteria for IIM Mumbai admission?

A. The eligibility criteria for IIM Mumbai is that the candidate must hold a bachelor's degree with at least 50% of the possible points or an equivalent CGPA (45% for candidates from the Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), and Persons with Disability (PwD) categories)

Q. How can I get into IIM Bombay?

A. You can apply for any of IIM Mumbai's MBA programs out of the three offered: MBA, MBA (OSCM), and MBA (SM).

Q. What is the application fee for IIM Mumbai?

A. The application form fee at IIM Mumbai is INR ₹ 2000 /- for general category candidates. However, it is INR 1000 for candidates who are SC, ST, or PwD.