For the following questions answer them individually
Alpha and Beta are two chemical fertilizers. Alpha consists of N, P, Kand Beta consists of N and P. A mixture of Alpha and Beta is prepared in which the ratio of N, P and K is 26%, 68% and 6%. The ratio of N, P, K in Alpha is 20%, 70% and 10%. What is the ratio of N and P in Beta?
A man takes 4 hours 20 minutes in walking to a certain place and riding back. If he walks on both sides, he loses 1 hour. The time he would take by riding both ways is
In a race A, B and C take part A beats B by 30 meters, B beats C by 20 meters and A beats C by 48 meters.
Given below are two statements:
Statement I : The length of the race is 300 meters.
Statement II : The speed of A, Band C are in the ratio 50 : 45 : 40.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Anand's income is ₹ 140 more than Biren's income and Chandu's income is ₹ 80 more than Deepak's. If the ratio of Anand's & Chandu's income is 2 : 3 and the ratio of Biren's and Deepak's income is 1 : 2 , then the incomes of Anand, Biren, Chandu and Deepak are respectively:
Arrange the following in descending order.
(A) $$\sqrt{3} - \sqrt{2}$$
(B) $$\sqrt{4} - \sqrt{3}$$
(C) $$\sqrt{5} - \sqrt{4}$$
(D) $$\sqrt{2} - 1$$
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
A fa ir coin is tossed repeatedly. If tail appears on fi rst four tosses, then the probability of head appearing on fihh toss equals.
Equal amounts of each ₹ 1,000 is lent to two persons for 3 years one @ 30% simple interest and second at 30% compound interest annually. By how much percent is the compound interest greater than the simple interest received in this 3 years duration.
A merchant earns 25% profit in general. Once his 25% consignment was abducted forever by some thieves. Trying to compensate for his loss he sold the rest of his consignment by increasing his selling price by 20%. What is the new percentage profit or loss?
Given below are two statements :
Statement I : The perimeter of a triangle is greater than the sum of its three medians.
Statement II : In any triangle ABC, if D is any point on BC, then AB + BC + CA > 2AD.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below :