CAT VARC – Strategies & Preparation Tips | CAT VARC Questions Download PDF


CAT VARC – Strategies & Preparation Tips | CAT VARC Questions Download PDF

CAT VARC Questions are a critical part of the test, as 24 of the 66 questions in the CAT 2022 were VARC Questions (21 MCQs and 3 TITA Questions). The CAT VARC Questions can only be mastered after a period of time; as a result, applicants must practise and study the material daily to develop their vocabulary and comprehend basic grammatical rules.
Many aspirants frequently need to pay more attention to the CAT VARC Questions, which lowers their marks in the VARC section. They should pay more attention to the VARC CAT Questions. Applicants should acquire their foundations straight in grammar. The VARC CAT Questions are typically Moderate-Difficult in terms of overall difficulty. This article has detailed the CAT 2022 VARC Questions to assist the candidates in your CAT 2023 preparation. Also, we are supplying detailed video solutions for CAT VARC Sections (Slot 1, 2 & 3) below.

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CAT VARC Questions – Topic-wise Weightage

CAT VARC Topic-wise Weightage
CAT VARC Topic-wise Weightage

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How to solve CAT VARC Questions:

The VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section of the CAT exam is one of the most important sections, and also one of the most challenging for some aspirants. The section is designed to test your language skills, including your ability to comprehend written material, vocabulary, and reasoning skills. To crack the CAT VARC section, you need to adopt certain strategies and techniques that can help you tackle the questions with ease. Here are a few tips and strategies to help you prepare for the VARC section:

  1. Develop your reading skills: The first step to cracking the VARC section is to improve your reading speed and comprehension skills. You can do this by reading newspapers, magazines, and novels regularly. This will help you get used to different writing styles and improve your vocabulary.
  2. Practice past papers: To get a sense of the kind of questions asked in the CAT VARC section, practice with past papers. This will give you an idea of the difficulty level and the types of questions asked.
  3. Manage your time effectively: Time management is crucial in the CAT VARC section. You should practice answering questions quickly without compromising the accuracy of your answers.

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Reading Comprehension Strategies:

The reading comprehension passages in the CAT VARC section can be quite tedious and complex. Therefore, you need to adopt some specific strategies to tackle these passages effectively. Here are some reading comprehension strategies that you can use:

  1. Active Reading: Reading actively means engaging with the text, asking questions, and making connections. You should underline important points, take mental notes, and summarize the main ideas.
  2. Identify the structure and tone of the passage: Understanding the structure of the passage can help you comprehend its main ideas and eliminate options that might be out of scope. Similarly, the tone of the passage can give you clues about the author’s attitude towards the topic. You should pay attention to the language used, and the emotions conveyed. This could come in handy while evaluating options.
  3. Analyzing Questions: Before attempting the questions, analyze them carefully to understand the type of question and the information required to answer it.
  4. Eliminating Wrong Answers: While answering the questions, eliminate the options that are clearly incorrect to narrow down the choices and increase the chances of selecting the correct answer.

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Verbal Ability Strategies:

Verbal ability is another crucial part of the CAT VARC section, which tests the candidate’s ability to analyze and interpret language and structure-based questions. Here are some effective strategies to improve verbal ability skills:

  1. Paraphrasing: To improve para summary and para jumble questions, try to paraphrase the sentences in your own words to understand the meaning and structure better.
  2. Logical Connectors: Use logical connectors such as ‘however’, ‘moreover’, ‘therefore’, ‘nevertheless’ to link sentences and paragraphs and create a logical flow of ideas.
  3. Contextual Clues: Pay attention to contextual clues such as tone, language, and style to understand the meaning and intent of the passage. Context clues can also help you understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.

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What are CAT VARC Questions?

Candidates should be familiar with the CAT Syllabus relating to this part before they begin practising and taking the CAT VARC Questions. The following topics are the basis for the CAT VARC questions that are asked in the exam:

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Para- Summary
  • Para Jumbles
  • Odd-one out

All of the CAT VARC questions are based on passages. To ace this portion, candidates must have a solid understanding of the VARC CAT Questions. The CAT VARC syllabus and subjects covered are based on last year’s patterns, even though CAT exam officials do not publish the syllabus.

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CAT Reading Comprehension Questions Sample

RC 1: The passage below is accompanied by a set of questions. Choose the best answer to each question.


Stoicism was founded in 300 BC by the Greek philosopher Zeno and survived into the Roman era until about AD 300. According to the Stoics, emotions consist of two movements. The first movement is the immediate feeling and other reactions (e.g., physiological response) that occur when a stimulus or event occurs. For instance, consider what could have happened if an army general accused Marcus Aurelius of treason in front of other officers. The first movement for Marcus may have been (internal) surprise and anger in response to this insult, accompanied perhaps by some involuntary physiological and expressive responses such as face flushing and a movement of the eyebrows. The second movement is what one does next about the emotion. Second movement behaviors occur after thinking and are under one’s control. Examples of second movements for Marcus might have included a plot to seek revenge, actions signifying deference and appeasement, or perhaps proceeding as he would have proceeded whether or not this event occurred: continuing to lead the Romans in a way that Marcus Aurelius believed best benefited them. In the Stoic view, choosing a reasoned, unemotional response as the second movement is the only appropriate response.

The Stoics believed that to live the good life and be a good person, we need to free ourselves of nearly all desires such as too much desire for money, power, or sexual gratification. Prior to second movements, we can consider what is important in life. Money, power, and excessive sexual gratification are not important. Character, rationality, and kindness are important. The Epicureans, first associated with the Greek philosopher Epicurus . . . held a similar view, believing that people should enjoy simple pleasures, such as good conversation, friendship, food, and wine, but not be indulgent in these pursuits and not follow passion for those things that hold no real value like power and money. As Oatley (2004) states, “the Epicureans articulated a view—enjoyment of relationship with friends, of things that are real rather than illusory, simple rather than artificially inflated, possible rather than vanishingly unlikely—that is certainly relevant today” . . . In sum, these ancient Greek and Roman philosophers saw emotions, especially strong ones, as potentially dangerous. They viewed emotions as experiences that needed to be [reined] in and controlled.

As Oatley (2004) points out, the Stoic idea bears some similarity to Buddhism. Buddha, living in India in the 6th century BC, argued for cultivating a certain attitude that decreases the probability of (in Stoic terms) destructive second movements. Through meditation and the right attitude, one allows emotions to happen to oneself (it is impossible to prevent this), but one is advised to observe the emotions without necessarily acting on them; one achieves some distance and decides what has value and what does not have value. Additionally, the
Stoic idea of developing virtue in oneself, of becoming a good person, which the Stoics believed we could do because we have a touch of the divine, laid the foundation for the three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam . . . As with Stoicism, tenets of these religions include controlling our emotions lest we engage in sinful behavior.

Question 1:  “Through meditation and the right attitude, one allows emotions to happen to oneself (it is impossible to prevent this), but one is advised to observe the emotions without necessarily acting on them; one achieves some distance and decides what has value and what does not have value.”

In the context of the passage, which one of the following is not a possible implication of the quoted statement?

A: “Meditation and the right attitude”, in this instance, implies an initially passive reception of all experiences.

B: “Meditation allows certain out-of-body experiences that permit us to gain the distance necessary to control our emotions.”

C: “The observation of emotions in a distant manner corresponds to the second movement referred to earlier in the passage.”

D: “Emotional responses can make it difficult to distinguish valuable experiences from valueless experiences.”

Correct Answer: B

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Question 2: Which one of the following statements would be an accurate inference from the example of Marcus Aurelius?

A: Marcus Aurelius was humiliated by the accusation of treason in front of the other officers.

B: Marcus Aurelius was a Stoic whose philosophy survived into the Roman era.

C: Marcus Aurelius plotted revenge in his quest for justice.

D: Marcus Aurelius was one of the leaders of the Roman army.

Correct Answer: D


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