SRCC GBO 2017 Question Paper


Study the passages below to answer the questions that follow each passage.

India needs an effective safety case regulatory regime. There are over 1,900 major accident hazard (MAH) control units or facilities in India. There are also thousands of registered hazardous factories below MAH criteria. 

There are numerous factories in unorganised sectors storing and handling hazardous chemicals, posing serious and complex risks to people, property and the environment. Major chemical and petrochemical disasters, killing many, have occurred almost every year since the 1984 Bhopal gas leak disaster. 

In addition to the loss of lives;these disasters have eroded the manufactured, human and natural capital base of the Indian economy. Adverse impacts to the banking and finance sector are also significant. Insurers and underwriters can potentially become insolvent if disasters of the scale of the Bhopal gas leak were to occur. 

India should formulate and implement a comprehensive safety case legislative framework. At present, various elements of safety are dispersed in various rules that have become antiquated, when compared to current industry best practice and community expectations. India should consolidate the intent and the principles underpinning various Acts and Rules relevant to MAH control units, and develop a self-contained and an integrated legislative framework. 

There are also Acts and Rules organised by the Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organisation (PESO) and the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) that lie outside the realm of MAH Rules. There is a need to bring together the best elements from these acts and rules to develop a cohesive regulatory framework. 

The control rules do not explicitly consider safety management systems, while major accidents that have been occurring invariably point towards systemic failures at the facilities. The control rules must define what constitutes a safety management system and demonstrate how key requirements are being met. Implementing these reforms and measures will be critical to achieving process safety excellence. Process safety excellence is a key differentiator to competitive advantage in global markets as it can lead to consistently high quality and rehab supplies. It can also restore public confidence in safety governance and encourage collaboration and partnership with local communities on industrial and spatial safety planning. 

At present, safety audits are primarily focused on occupational safety and health issues and lack sufficient technical rigour. The audit scope, and methodology should be expanded to include auditing of major incident event scenarios and controls identified and assessed for each scenario. The audits should seek evidence on performance assurance of safety controls. Investigative and technical rigour should be enhanced in the inspections that are being undertaken by the inspectorate. There should be a national capacity building programme for inspectors in process safety, incident investigation, and auditing and inspections. Universities and professional institutions should contribute to the long-term skill development of inspectorates. 

To 'achieve drastic reductions in the frequency and number of major accidents, India should transform its safety regulatory system and build professional capacities within the inspectorate. As a side benefit, this will also enable its strong and vibrant chemical and petrochemical industry to become world-class, both in market and safety performance.

Question 1

What is the primary/main focus of this article?

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Question 2

Why should India formulate and implement a comprehensive safety legislative framework?

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Question 3

According to the author, currently our MAH rules are

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Question 4

In the opinion of the author, what needs to be done to transform our safety regulatory system?

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Question 5

According to the author, presently our safety audit systems

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Study the passages below to answer the questions that follow each passage.
Passage II:

A global shift is clearly underway. Many organisations are finding themselves in short supply of the right talent as their operations expand globally. The problem is only going to be exacerbated further over time.

According to a recent research report, in order to sustain economic growth, by 2030, the US will need to add more than 25 million workers and in other western countries, a further 45 million employees will be required. However, due to the uneven quality of education systems, only 25 per cent of Indian professionals are currently considered employable by multinationals. Something must be done in India to ensure our talent is able to take their seat at the table in an increasingly competitive global talent market.

The realisation has dawned on Indian leaders that effective performance management is not only a key to delivering results (perhaps the most powerful HR tool in doing so), but also plays a fundamental role in developing talent in the right direction and promoting employee engagement and retention. Companies are moving away from the ‘competitive assessment’ model and are inching towards a ‘coaching and development’ model of performance management. The competitive assessment model assumes that organisations improve through a process of ‘rigid individualism’ in which employees are ranked and rated against each other, thus driving performance on a comparative basis. The coaching and development model assumes that people perform best through careful selection, then coaching, development and continuous focus on job fit.

Executive coaching, leadership coaching and performance coaching form the crux of all coaching and development models:

Executive coaching reserved for the top tier of the organisation. The purpose of this coaching is to help executives improve both their performance and leadership abilities. It is provided by someone outside the firm who holds an unbiased perspective towards the executive.

Leadership coaching that focuses on helping managers throughout the organisation become better leaders in order to prepare them for the next level of leadership.

Performance coaching is for all employees that focuses on improving employees’ performance in their current jobs. This coaching is frequently, but not always, reserved for those who are, at a minimum, meeting expectations.

Most organisations struggle to effectively leverage performance coaching - senior leaders do it infrequently and managers do not do it well. Further, HR often fails to adequately support it. The most severe performance management challenge is managers’ inability to coach their employees. It has been found that organisations highly effective at teaching managers to engage in on-going coaching and the ones who provide excellent cultural support for coaching, reported significantly higher employee productivity.

A high-impact coaching culture is like a three-legged stool, with leaders, employees, and HR each having important responsibilities to fulfill. HR’s role is to create the environment for coaching, do the needful and then measure the impact. Senior leaders must communicate the importance of coaching through their actions and words. Finally, employees of all levels need to adequately prepare for and actively manage their performance and their development.

Question 6

In the opinion of the author,

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Question 7

According to the article, which of the following statements is true?
I. The competitive assessment model focuses only on the comparative performance of employees.
II. Indian leaders consider performance management as a very powerful HR tool.
II. Most Indian companies feel that the competitive assessment model adequately meets the HR needs of their organization.

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Question 8

Which of the following statements is not true?

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Question 9

Coaching will be fruitful if

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Question 10

An effective performance management system should enable an organization to

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