Study the passages below to answer the questions that follow each passage.
India needs an effective safety case regulatory regime. There are over 1,900 major accident hazard (MAH) control units or facilities in India. There are also thousands of registered hazardous factories below MAH criteria.
There are numerous factories in unorganised sectors storing and handling hazardous chemicals, posing serious and complex risks to people, property and the environment. Major chemical and petrochemical disasters, killing many, have occurred almost every year since the 1984 Bhopal gas leak disaster.
In addition to the loss of lives;these disasters have eroded the manufactured, human and natural capital base of the Indian economy. Adverse impacts to the banking and finance sector are also significant. Insurers and underwriters can potentially become insolvent if disasters of the scale of the Bhopal gas leak were to occur.
India should formulate and implement a comprehensive safety case legislative framework. At present, various elements of safety are dispersed in various rules that have become antiquated, when compared to current industry best practice and community expectations. India should consolidate the intent and the principles underpinning various Acts and Rules relevant to MAH control units, and develop a self-contained and an integrated legislative framework.
There are also Acts and Rules organised by the Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organisation (PESO) and the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) that lie outside the realm of MAH Rules. There is a need to bring together the best elements from these acts and rules to develop a cohesive regulatory framework.
The control rules do not explicitly consider safety management systems, while major accidents that have been occurring invariably point towards systemic failures at the facilities. The control rules must define what constitutes a safety management system and demonstrate how key requirements are being met. Implementing these reforms and measures will be critical to achieving process safety excellence. Process safety excellence is a key differentiator to competitive advantage in global markets as it can lead to consistently high quality and rehab supplies. It can also restore public confidence in safety governance and encourage collaboration and partnership with local communities on industrial and spatial safety planning.
At present, safety audits are primarily focused on occupational safety and health issues and lack sufficient technical rigour. The audit scope, and methodology should be expanded to include auditing of major incident event scenarios and controls identified and assessed for each scenario. The audits should seek evidence on performance assurance of safety controls. Investigative and technical rigour should be enhanced in the inspections that are being undertaken by the inspectorate. There should be a national capacity building programme for inspectors in process safety, incident investigation, and auditing and inspections. Universities and professional institutions should contribute to the long-term skill development of inspectorates.
To 'achieve drastic reductions in the frequency and number of major accidents, India should transform its safety regulatory system and build professional capacities within the inspectorate. As a side benefit, this will also enable its strong and vibrant chemical and petrochemical industry to become world-class, both in market and safety performance.
The passage states that India's current safety regulations are fragmented and outdated. It explains that various elements of safety are scattered across different rules, which have become antiquated compared to current industry best practices and community expectations. The passage also advocates for the consolidation of these scattered rules into a cohesive, integrated, and self-contained framework, indicating that the current system lacks these qualities. This is captured in Option B.
Option A: This is incorrect. The passage states that rules are fragmented and need to be consolidated.
Option C: This is also incorrect. The passage states that the current rules do not align with community expectations.
Option D is also incorrect. The passage states that the current rules do not define safety management systems or properly assess major accident risks.