
For the following questions answer them individually

Question 41

Seven hundred twenty sweets were distributed equally amongst children, in such a way that number of sweets received by each child is 20% of the total numberof children. How many sweets did each child receive?

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Question 42

15% of the people eligible to vote are between 18 and 25 years of age. In an election, 75% of those eligible to vote, who are between 18 and 25, actually voted. In that election, the number of persons between 18 and 25, who actually voted was what percent of those eligible to vote?

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Question 43

What is the sum of the total surface areas of all the cubes formed when a cuboid of size 5.2m $$\times$$ 13m $$\times$$ 39m is cut completely into the least possible number of cubes, all of which arg identical?

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Question 44

A tank of capacity 1000 cubic centimeter is being filled with water by 3 pipes A, B and C. The areas of cross-section of the pipes A, B and C are“in the ratio 3: 2: 4. Water is flowing through each of these pipes at a different rate in cm/min.twas found that the time taken to fill the tank which was initially empty by the pipes A, B and individually is 20 minutes, 50 minutes and 25 minutes respectively. Find the ratio of the-rates of flow of water through the pipes A and C.

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Question 45

Three men, four women and six children can complete a work in seven days. A woman docs double the work a man does and a-child does half the work a man does. How many women alone can complete the work in 7 days?

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Question 46

A can do a piece of work in 36 days, B in 54 days and C in 72 days. All the three began the work together but A and B left 8 days and 12 days before the completion of the work respectively. How many days in all did C put in till the entire work was finished?

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Question 47

In a group of 5 boys the $$2^{nd}$$ boy is twice as efficient as the $$1^{st}$$ boy. The $$3^{rd}$$ boy is twice as efficient as the $$2^{nd}$$boy and so on. All of them working together will take 5 days to complete a job. How much extra time will the $$2^{nd}$$ and $$4^{th}$$ boys take working together as compared to the $$5^{th}$$ boy working alone to complete the same job approximately

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Question 48

How many hours will atul ,Shiva, sapan take to finish their assignment together if atul alone can do it in six hours more , shiv alone do it in one hour more ,and sapan alone in twice the time?

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Question 49

C can empty it in 60 hours .Pipes A and B were Kept open simultaneously for 12 hours . when person reached the tank when it should have been full , he obeserved the pipe c also remained open by mistake for these 12 hours .He immediately closed it . In what time will the tank get full after C is closed

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Question 50

A large water tank gets filled from two pipes $$T_1$$ and $$T_2$$. $$T_1$$ alone can fill it in 50 minutes, while $$T_2$$ alone can fill it in one hour. If on any day $$T_2$$ starts working only after $$T_1$$ has been used for filling half the tank, then the time taken to fill the tank will be

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