PGDBA 2019 Question Paper


Read the paragraph below and answer these questions.
Five analysts, P, Q, R, S and T each own at least one mobile phone handset. Among the five of them, they own 1 Nokia, 2 Samsung, 3 One Plus, 3 IPhone, and 1 Motorola brand handsets use the following information to answer Questions
• The analyst who owns the Nokia handset does not own any other handset.
• Q owns handsets of three different brands.
• The number of handsets owned by S is double of the number of handsets owned by T.
• There is at least one brand whose handset is owned by both R and T.
• No brand is owned by more than two analysts.

Question 31

What the number of handsets owned by T?

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Question 32

Who owns the Nokia handset?

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Question 33

If R owns only one handset, which brand it has to be?

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Question 34

If R owns two handsets, which of the following combinations cannot be owned by R?

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Question 35

If Q and S have at least two brands in common, then what is the maximum number of handsets that Q and S together can own?

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 36

Each of the following four sentences has two words within brackets. The word which has been highlighted has been used as the most appropriate word for the sentence. In one of the sentences, the wrong word has been highlighted. Identify that sentence and indicate that option as your answer.

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Question 37

Each of the following four sentences has two words within brackets. The word which has been highlighted has been used as the most appropriate word for the sentence. In one of the sentences, the wrong word has been highlighted. Identify that sentence and indicate that option

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Question 38

Arrange the sentences in the most logical order to form a coherent paragraph. From the given options (A, B, C, D) choose the most appropriate option.
(i) But state efforts to build up the data sector in rural areas have resulted in a plethora of under-used sites. 
(ii) At the same time, data centres in main cities are already running at capacity. In Beijing and Shanghai, demand outstrips supply by 20 and 25 per cent, respectively, according to the ministry. 
(iii) There are twice as many data centres in north-eastern China than required, according to figures from China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. 
(iv) Tech groups have been given incentives by Chinese regulators to set up their onshore data storage in poorer, more remote areas, with inducements such as free land and cheap power.

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Question 39

Arrange the sentences in the most logical order to form a coherent paragraph. From the given options (A, B, C, D) choose the most appropriate sequence.
(i) For almost a billion years, while its core churned and produced a protective magnetic field, Mars may have been among the friendlier places for life as we know it to set up and flourish.
(ii) But that is what the $2.4-billion 2020 rover will attempt to do.
(iii) Though Mars is a parched, toxic desert today, the planet was once much warmer and covered in liquid seas.
(iv) The trouble is, finding evidence for past life on an alien world, especially if that extinct life is microscopic, is not exactly easy.

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Question 40

Arrange the sentences in the most logical order to form a coherent paragraph. From the given options (A, B, C, D) choose the most appropriate sequence.
(i) Part of the rapid slowing reflected specific problems in the German car industry, where changes in emissions regulation have had a one-off impact on production.
(ii) But even without that, growth would barely have been positive.
(iii) Last week it was revealed that Germany, one of the few reliable engines of eurozone growth since the global financial crisis, had seen a 0.2 per cent fall in GDP in the third quarter.
(iv) Moreover, indicators of business sentiment show that underlying growth momentum has slowed across the eurozone.

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