MAT 2013 Question Paper


Study the graph to answer these questions.
In the year 2012, 17 lakh tonne of a vegetable was produced in a certain State. Its production status in six Districts of that State is shown in pie chart 1. The percentages of total expenditure incurred under different heads for producing this vegetable in any district is shown in pie chart II.

           Pie Chart I (Figure in lakh tonne)

                Pie Chart II

Question 111

The monthly expenses for water in district B is more/less than the monthly expenditure for electricity in District A by ....... (the total expenditure is ₹1700 per tonne in a year).

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Question 112

The total expenditure per tonne production of vegetable in these districts is ₹ 5580. The amount spent towards transport in district F is more/less than that in district E by

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Question 113

If the expenditure incurred in district D is 20% more than that in district B and ₹ 950000 were spent in district B, then expenses for labour in district D are

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Question 114

The profit earned by the sale of the vegetable in district F is 25%. The sale price being ₹10000 per tonne, how much money was spent on fertilizers?

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Question 115

The profit earned by the sale of the vegetable in district F is 25%. The sale price being ₹ 10000 per tonne, how much money was spent on fertilizers?

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Each problem, consists of a problem followed by two Statements T and II. Decide whether the data in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

Question 116

If no student took test T more than once, how many students took test T?
I. The average (arithmetic mean) of the students' scores on test T was 72.
II. The sum of the students' scores on test T was 2232.

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Question 117

Last year $$\frac{4}{5}$$ of the applicants for a job on a police  force passed the physical examination. If $$\frac{3}{4}$$ of the applicants who passed the physical examination also passed the written examination, how the applicants passed both examinations? 
I. The number of applicants who did not either examination was equal to the number who passed the physical examination only. 
II. There were a total of 100 applicants.

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Question 118

G, P and S are animal species. What is the average life span in years of S?
I. The average life span of S is twice that of P and $$\frac{4}{5}$$ that of G.  
II. The average life span of G is 30 yr longer than that of P and 10 yr longer than that of S

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Question 119

There are exactly 6 teams in league X. What was the total number of games played by the 6 teams last season?
I. Each team in league X played each of the other teams atleast once.
II. No team in league Xplayed more than 7 games.

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Question 120

A swimming club that sold only individual and family memberships charged  300 for an individual membership. If the club's total revenue from memberships was  480000, what was the charge for a family membership?
I. The revenue from individual memberships was $$\frac{1}{4}$$ of the total revenue from memberships.
II. The club sold 1.5 times as many family memberships as individual memberships.

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