CMAT 2025 Slot 2 Question Paper


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 11

A cylindrical box of radius 5 cm contains 10 solid spherical balls, each of radius 5 cm. If the top most ball touches the upper cover of the box, then the volume of empty space in the box is :

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Question 12

Given below are two statements:

Statement I : The ratio of the circumference of two circ les is 3:4, then the ratio of
their area is 9: 16.

Statement II : If the circumference and the area of a circle are numerical equal, then
the diameter is equal to 4.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below.

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Question 13

Match List I with List II :


Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

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Question 14

Three vessels 'P', 'Q' and 'R' of same capacity are all full. Vessels 'P' and 'Q' contain mixture of milk and water in the ratios 4 : 1 and 7 : 3 respectively while vessel 'R' contains
only pure milk. The contents of these vessels are poured into a larger vessel 'S'. After drawing 30 litres of mixture from vessel 'S', the final quantity of water left in vessel 'S' is 40 litres, then the capacity of each vessel is :

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Question 15

Candidates in a competitive examination consisted of 60% men and 40% women. 70% men and 75% women cleared the qualifying test and entered the final test, where 80% men and 70% women were successful. Which of the following statements is/are correct ?
A. Success rate is higher for women.
B. More men cleared the examination than women.
C. Success rate is higher for men.
D. Overall success rate is below 50%
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

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Question 16

Arrange the following in descending order :
A: $$\sqrt{401} -\sqrt{399}$$
B: $$\sqrt{301} -\sqrt{299}$$
C: $$\sqrt{101} -\sqrt{99}$$
D: $$\sqrt{201} -\sqrt{199}$$

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Question 17

The value of$$ \left(\frac{x^a}{x^b}\right)^{(a^2 + ab + b^2)} \left(\frac{x^b}{x^c}\right)^{(b^2 + bc + c^2)} \left(\frac{x^c}{x^a}\right)^{(c^2 + ca + a^2)}$$ is:

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Question 18

A person sold an article for i 136 and incurred 15% loss. Had he sold it for ix, he would have obtained a profit of 15%. Which one of the following is correct ?

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Question 19

Ramesh purchased two mobile phones from a shop. He sold first mobile phone at the price of โ‚น 18750 and the second mobile phone at the price of โ‚น 14250. If the profit percent on first mobile phone is five times of the loss percent on the second mobile phone, then find out the overall profit made by Ramesh after selling both the mobile phones, given that he purchased both at same cost.

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Question 20

The length of a rectangle is increased by 25%. By what percent should its breadth be decreased so as to maintain the same area ?

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