CMAT 2018 Slot 2 Question Paper


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 31

A, B, C and D are four medical representatives of a company. Each of them must visit exactly two of the eight cities- Delhi, Chennai , Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai, Lucknow and Patna - and each city is visited by only one person. C does not visit Mumbai and Delhi, While D does not visit Kolkata and Hyderabad. B does not visit Lucknow and Patna. Whereas A does not visit Bangalore and Chennai. Patna and Bangalore are visited neither by B nor by C.
If Delhi and Lucknow were visited by A, then which one of the following cities could B visit?

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Question 32

Among the five numbers W, Y, C, D, M. W is greater than C but less than M, whereas, Y is greater than D but not less than M. Which of the following can be the greatest of the five?

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Question 33

A tutor has 10 students - A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J- to form four groups for tutorials. No group can have more than four students. No two groups can have the same number of students. C and G must be in the same group. A and F must be in the same group. I should be alone and is in one group. B and E cannot be in the same roup. F and E must be in different groups.
If A, D, F and J form a group, then the other two groups can be:-

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Question 34

A bookie has to inspect five horses A, B, C, D and E. If he inspects B, he cannot inspect C immediately. If he inspects A, he cannot go to E after that. Which of the following can be the correct order of his inspection?

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Question 35

Below given question contains six statements labelled A, B, C, D, E and F followed by four combinations ofĀ three statements. Choose the set in which the statements are logically related i.e the third statement can beĀ deduced from the first two statements together.

Read the information carefully and answer the question.

A) All honest persons are good natured.
B) Some good natured persons are not honest.
C) Some honest persons are good natured.
D) All honest person are obese.
E) All obese person are good natured.
F) Some good natured person are hon est.

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Question 36

R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 are seven places on a map. The following places are connected by two-way roads: R1 and R2; R1 and R6; R3 and R6; R3 and R4; R6 and R7; R4 and R5; R2 and R3; R5 and R7. No other
road exists. The shortest route (the route with the least number of intermediate places) from R1 to R7 is:-

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Question 37

A, B, C, D and E are five rods. E is longer than A which is longer than C and lighter than C, which is lighter than D. B is shorter than D, and heavier than it. E is longer than D, and heavier than it.
If B is the heaviest of all, then which of the following can be the lightest of all the five rods?

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Question 38

A, B and C are three films that are screened by three theatres PVR, DT and Regal in three consecutive slots. No film should be screened in the same slot by any two theaters. If DT screens film B in the first slot and PVR exhibits film C in the third slot, then which of these must be TRUE?

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Question 39

Five capitals A, B, C, D and E are connected by different modes of transport as follows.
A and B are connected by boat as well as by rail.
D and C are connected by bus and by boat.
B and E are connected only by air.
A and C are connected only by boa t.
E and C are connected by rail and by bus.
Which of the following pair of capitals are connected by any of the routes directly (without going through any
other capital)?

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Question 40

Insert the missing character.

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