Question 7

When Rajesh's age was same as the present age of Garima, the ratio of their ages was 3 : 2. When Garima's age becomes the same as the present age of Rajesh, the ratio of the ages of Rajesh and Garima will become


Let's take Rajesh and Garima's ages to be R and G, respectively
From the given ratio, we can see that Rajesh is older than Garima, so let's take R=G+x

When Rajesh was of age G, which was x years ago, Garima was of G-x years old
Giving the ratio as $$\frac{G}{G-x}=\frac{3}{2}$$
This gives us G as 3x, which in turn gives R as 4x

We are asked the ratio when Gramia becomes 4x years old. 
By that time, Rajesh will be 5x years old. 

Giinv their ratio as $$\frac{5x}{4x}=5:4$$

Therefore, Option C is the correct answer. 

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