Question 16

A fruit seller has a total of 187 fruits consisting of apples, mangoes and oranges. The number of apples and mangoes are in the ratio 5 : 2. After she sells 75 apples, 26 mangoes and half of the oranges, the ratio of number of unsold apples to number of unsold oranges becomes 3 : 2. The total number of unsold fruits is

Correct Answer: 66


The number of apples and mangoes are in the ratio 5 : 2.
Let us write the number of apples as 5X and number of mangoes as 2X
This means oranges will be 187-7X. 

After selling the remaining fruits, 
Apples: 5X-75
Mangoes: 2X-26
Oranges: (187-7X)/2

Unsold Apples to Unsold oranges is 3:2



Total number of unsold fruits will be, 
Apples: 30
Mangoes: 16
Oranges: 20

Total is 66. 

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