Question 106

1. Making people laugh is tricky.

A. At times, the intended humour may simply not come off.

B. Making people laugh while trying to sell them something is a tougher challenge, since the commercial can fall flat on two grounds.

C. There are many advertisements which do amuse but do not even begin to set the cash tills ringing.

D. Again, it is rarely sufficient for an advertiser simply to amuse the target audience in order to reap the sales benefit.

6. There are indications that in substituting the hard sell for a more entertaining approach, some agencies have rather thrown out the baby with the bath water.


The first sentence is B as it continues the tone of the opening sentence. OptionA follows next where one of the situation is mentioned where the advertisements can fall flat. D follows B where the author mentions the consequences of amusement to reap the sales benefit. C follows D as it mentions the instances where the ads amuses the audience. Sentence 6 is the conclusion presented.

The correct order is BADC.

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