XAT 2010 Question Paper


Questions are based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions, it may be useful to draw a rough diagram. Choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each question.

A BPO has assigned duty to nine operators - Abdulla, Ballal, Chandan, Dogra, Eshita, Falguni, Ganguli, Henri and Indra - on Monday, January 05, 2009 from 00:00 hours. Each operator commences duty at any of the following hours: 00:00 hrs, 04:00 hrs, 08:00 hrs, 12:00 hrs, 16:00 hrs and 20:00 hrs. At any point in time, at least one operator is required, to take clients' calls. Each operator works continuously for eight hours. All operators located at any single location start work simultaneously. The operators took training in five different colleges -Abhiman College, Sutanama College, Gutakal College, Barala College and Khatanama College. These colleges are located in the cities Jamshedpur, Pune, Noida, Hyderabad and Mangalore, not necessarily in that order. The operators operate from the cities where their respective colleges are located.

Indra operates alone from a city other than Mangalore and Jamshedpur. Operator(s) trained in Abhiman College will start working at 12:00 hrs. Only Dogra and Falguni operate from Pune, but they are not trained in Gutakal College. Three of the operators took training from Sutanama College, and they operate from Noida. The operator(s) from Jamshedpur will start working at 0:00 hrs. Abdulla and Henri operate together as a two member team from a single location. They do not operate from Mangalore. No operator(s) will join at 20:00 hrs. Ballal, who alone operates from his location, was not trained in Barala College, and will commence his duty four hours after the operator(s) trained in Gutakal College. The operator(s) trained in Barala College operate from Hyderabad. The number of operator(s) trained in Khatanama College is same as the number of operator(s) trained in Barala College.

Question 51

Which of the following is not definitely true?

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Question 52

If five operators are working between 16:00 hrs and 20:00 hrs, which of the following must be true?

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 53

Dr. Puneet worried about the test results of his patient, Ms. Benita. Ms. Benita was an old rich widow with no dependents. The results indicate that Ms. Benita has the potentially fatal Lymphanigioleiomyomatosis (LAM) disease. LAM is rare and difficult to diagnose. People with LAM often need oxygen and lung transplants as the disease continues its course. According to the test results, Ms. Benita might have got it.

Dr. Puneet explained the situation to Ms. Benita carefully. Without naming the disease, he explained that the disease was progressive and would need treatment using drugs which were still at the experimental stage. Even then, the chance of success was not too bright. If the treatment was unsuccessful, then they would have to get ready for a lung transplant. The lung transplant itself was a risky course of treatment. Even if successful, she would require constant medical support and treatment.

Ms. Benita looked blank. She asks Dr. Puneet for his advice about the course of action. He nods gravely, ”I’m afraid, Ms. Benita, I think there is only one course we can take.”

What should be Dr. Puneet’s advice?

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Read the following case and choose the best alternative Guruji's guidance

Bhola, an avid nature lover, wanted to be an entrepreneur. He dreamt of establishing a chain of huts in Chatpur region to cater to tourists, who came attracted by the beauty and splendour of the Himalayas.

However, he was appalled by current degradation of the Himalayan environment. He remembered the early times when everything was so green, clean and peaceful. Now, greenery was replaced by buildings, peace was shattered by honking of vehicles and flocking of tourists, and cleanliness was replaced by heaps of plastics.

Bhola had a strong sense of right and wrong. On speaking to few locals about the issue, he realized that the locals were aware of these issues. However, they pointed out the benefits of development: pucca houses for locals, higher disposable income and with that, ability to send their children to better schools and colleges, better road connectivity, and access to latest technology in agriculture. Most locals wanted the development to continue.

Saddened by the lack of support from the locals, Bhola took up the issue with the government. He met the chief minister of the state to find out if government could regulate the developmental activities to prevent environmental degradation. However, the chief minister told Bhola that such an action would slow down the economic progress. That also meant loss of substantial tax revenues for the government.

Bhola needed to resolve the dilemma. Bhola always wanted to be an entrepreneur, who could contribute to the society and earn money as well. However, his business would also be responsible for destroying environment. If he did not set up His business, he would not be able to earn money and contribute to the society.

After mulling over the issues, he went to his mentor "Guruji". Guruji realized that it was really a difficult puzzle: if one saves the environment, there seems to be no development and if the people and the government sought development, the environment and hence future of this planet and human beings was at stake. After careful thought, he felt that the dilemma could be resolved. He fixed up a meeting with Bhola to answer Bhola's queries.

Question 54

Should Bhola still think of doing business?

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Question 55

Bhola wanted to advise the government about the new tourism policy. Bhola had developed a few alternatives as given below. Choose the best alternative.

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Question 56

Bhola wished he was heading the government. He had listed down five concrete measures he would take if he were to head the government. Choose the best alternative.

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Question 57

Visualising he was heading the state government, Bhola thought of a likely problematic situation. Five years have passed. In these five years, Bhola has initiated a lot of pro-environment steps, including making people aware of the fact that it was this pristine environment which brought in tourists in the first place. Now he faced state elections. The opposition accused him of stopping development and causing unemployment under the guise of environment protection. If Bhola were to consider this accusation as a short-term battle, which option would Guruji suggest to Bhola to score a quick win?

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 58

Some environmentalists tired of waiting for ‘green economics’ to catch up with the society at large, have adopted their own strategies for tipping the financial calculation in favour of the land. In the forest surrounding Vancouver, where trees are being felled for paper to print philosophy books (well, maybe one or two, but it’s worth it), groups have used metal spikes hidden in trees to prevent the chainsaws from operating safely, pushing up the price of harvesting the trees. In Phoenix, Arizona, where mountain nature reserves have been encroached on by new houses, hooded vigilantes have burnt down the new residences .The arsonists, according to the local paper, pray before they burn down a house that no one will get hurt, thinking primarily of the fire-fighters - the new houses are burned while still empty. ‘We don’t pray for ourselves not to get caught - that’s God’s will.’ one is quoted as saying.

As per the activists, all aforementioned activities seem clearly very principled. But is it ethical?

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Read the following case and choose the best alternative.

Ranjan Tuglak, the youngest cabinet minister of the newly elected coalition, glanced through the notes prepared by his secretary regarding the recent controversies on racket, the most popular game of the country. While International Racket Association (IRC) has agreed to implement Drug Testing Code (DTC) promoted by World Athletic and Gamer Federation, Racket Club which controls the entire racket related activities (unlike any other sports and games of the country) had some reservations regarding the initiative. Majority of the citizens waited for the international competitions eagerly and were fanatical about their country's participation in them. As a result of the popularity of the game, 70% of the total revenue associated with the game originates from the country. Hence Racket Club has high bargaining power with IRC and can change any decision that is not aligned with its interests. Three most popular and senior players, including the captain, are against the application of DTC citing security reasons. A decision against the interests of these players may result in law and order problems throughout the country. Other players support the decision of their senior colleagues and if Racket Club refuses to agree, players may support Counter Racket Club, a new national level initiative. Counter Racket Club may threaten the monopoly of Racket Club, if it succeeds to attract some popular racket players.

Ranjan's father had been forced to resign from politics due to alleged corruption charges. Ranjan had completed his entire education from abroad before returning to join politics. He is a great soccer player and has major reservations against racket. According to him, racket has negative influence on the country's youth and diverts their attention from productive work. He also considers drug testing as an essential feature for any sports and games across the world. As the new cabinet minister for Youth and Sports he needs to take some important decisions on this controversial issue.

Question 59

If the objective of Ranjan is to
(i) create a good image of himself as a politician and
(ii) create a long lasting positive impact, the best decision he should take is :

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Question 60

Identify the best rationale that may force Ranjan as a politician to take a decision in favour of IRC.

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