SRCC GBO 2016 Question Paper


Read the following information carefully to answer these following questions
There are six writers of literature A, B, C, D, E and F. Two belong to the $$17^{th}$$ century, three to the $$19^{th}$$ century and one to the $$20^{th}$$ century. Four were recognized as great poets, three as great novelists and three as great dramatists. One contributed to Bengali, two to Hindi, two to Marathi and one to the Tamil literature. The $$20^{th}$$ century writer wrote poetry only and contributed to Marathi literature and the other Marathi writer contributed to poetry, novel and drama. One Hindi writer, and the only Tamil writer belonged to the $$19^{th}$$ century. The former contributed to poetry and novel while the latter to novel and drama. The Bengali writer belonged to the $$17^{th}$$ century and contributed to poetry only. A belonged to the $$20^{th}$$ century, B wrote drama only, C contributed to Marathi literature, D was a Hindi poet and novelist and belonged to the $$19^{th}$$ century. E also belonged to the $$19^{th}$$ century, and F contributed poetry only.

Question 81

Writer A contributed to which branch of literature?

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Question 82

Who was the Bengali writer among the following?

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Question 83

Writer C contributed to which branch of literature ?

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Question 84

Writer B contributed to which language

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Question 85

who was the tamil writer among the following?

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Study the following information to answer these questions.
An organization consists of  1500 employees. The ratio of males to females is 17 : 13. All the employees work at five different floors named F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5. 28% of females are at floor F1. 18% of the males work at floor F2. One-fifth of the males work at floor-F5. The ratio of females to males at floor F2 is 2 : 3. And 25% of the total numbers of employees are at floor F3. Females working at floor F5 are 60% of the males working at the same floor. 18% of the females are at floor F4, The remaining females are at floor F3. 16% of the males work at floor F1 and the remaining males are working at floor F4

Question 86

what is the number of males working at floor f3?

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Question 87

Number of males working at floor F4, form what percent of the number of females working the same floor?

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Question 88

What is the number of females working at floor F5?

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Question 89

Number of males working at floor F1; form approximately what percent of total number of employees employees in the organisation

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Study the information to answer these questions.
In a city there are six modes of transport available A, B, C, D, E and F for commuting. Out of a total number of commuters commuting daily in the city, 17171 commute only by A. 7359 commute only by B and 22077 commute only by C. 1471.8 commute only by D, 4906 commute only by E and 7359 commute only by F. 26983 commute by C as well as A , 9812 commute by E as well as A. 12265 commute by C as well as E daily. Assume that there is no overlap between the commuters of different modes (and their combination) of transport.

Question 90

The total number of commuters commuting by A form ______ percent of the total number of commuters commuting daily.

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