Below are given three statements a, b and c followed by four conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they appear to be at variance with commonly, known facts, and then decide which of the conclusionslogically follow(s) from the given statements. For each question, mark out an appropriate answer choice that you think is correct.
a. All colleges are books.
b. Some colleges are students.
c. No chairs are books.
Conclusions :
I. Somestudents are chairs.
II. No colleges are chairs.
Ill. Some students are books.
IV. Some students are not en
a. Only stars are moons.
b. No cosmosis star.
c. No planets are moons.
Conclusions :
I. Some moonsare notplanets.
II. No moon is a cosmos.
III. No cosmosis a planet.
IV. No stars are planets.
Statements :
a. some colleges are hospitals.
b. All hospitals are medicines.
c. Some medicines are machines.
Conclusions :
I. All hospitals are medicines.
II. Some colleges are medicines.
III. Some colleges are machines.
IV. Some colleges are not machines.
Statements :
a. No bookis a plate.
b. Nochair is a plate.
c. Some chairs are bags.
Conclusions :
I Some bagsare plates.
II. Some bags are notplates.
III. No book is a chair.
IV. Some chairs are books.
a. No, hero is dancer.
b. some musicians are players.
c. All musicians are heros.
I. Some dancers are not players.
II. No dancer is a musician.
III. Some players are heros.
IV. Some players are not dancers.
Six children P, Q, R, S, T and U, were all born on the same day of the year, but each was born in a different year during a single six-year period.
P is older than R.
Q is older than both S and T.
U is two years older than S.
P was born either in 2007 or in 2008.
The oldest children was born in 2005.
Which of the following could be a correctlisting of the children from the youngest to be oldest?
If P is older than U, then in how many different orders could the six children have been born ?
If T is older than S, which of the following must be true ?
I. Q was born in 2005.
II. T was born in 2006.
III. P was born in 2008.