Below are given three statements a, b and c followed by four conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they appear to be at variance with commonly, known facts, and then decide which of the conclusionslogically follow(s) from the given statements. For each question, mark out an appropriate answer choice that you think is correct.
a. All colleges are books.
b. Some colleges are students.
c. No chairs are books.
Conclusions :
I. Somestudents are chairs.
II. No colleges are chairs.
Ill. Some students are books.
IV. Some students are not en
We shall test each of the options and try to negate by coming up with a scenario where the particular conclusion won't hold true. If we cannot do that for a particular conclusion, that shall be the valid one.
1. Some students are chairs: We don't have any information about the connection between Books and Chairs. There can be an instance where students who are not books can come under the header of chairs. However, the other instance where chairs and students are disjoint sets can hold true as well. Hence, an invalid conclusion.Â
2. No college is a chair: Since it is clearly given that all colleges are books, and no book can be classified as a chair, we can definitely say that no college is a chair.Â
3. Some students are books: We know that all colleges are books, and at the same time, some students are college as well. Hence, we can definitely conclude that students which are classified as college are books as well.Â
4. Some students are not chairs: We definitely know that some students are college, which in turn are books. Further, it is also given that no book is a chair. Hence, students which are college cannot be chair.Â