CMAT Reading Comprehension Questions

CMAT 2024 Reading Comprehension questions

Instruction for set 1:

Read the following passage and answer the next two questions.

Education, taken in its most extensive sense, is properly that which makes the man. One method of education, therefore, would only produce one kind of man; but the greater excellence of human nature consists in the variety of which it is capable. Instead then, of endeavouring, by uniform and fixed systems of education, to keep mankind always the same, let us give free scope to everything which may bid fair for introducing more variety among us. The varied character of the Athenians was certainly preferable to the uniform character of the brute creation. Among them, every species of bird builds its nest with the same materials and in the same form; the genius and disposition of one individual is that of all, and it is only the education which men give them that raises any of them much above others. But it is the glory of human nature that the operations of reason, through variable and by no means infallible, are capable of infinite improvement. We come into the world worse provided than any of the brutes; but when their faculties are at a full stand and their enjoyments incapable of variety or increase, our intellectual powers are growing apace; we are perpetually deriving happiness from new sources, and even before we leave this world, are capable of tasting the felicity of angels.

Question 1

Which of the following statements are true about the given passage?

A) The author creates a binary between uniformity and diversity in matters of education.
B) It upholds a uniform and stable system of education.
C) It holds uniformity rather brutish , but necessary for the society.
D) It holds diversity in education a key to human excellence and progress.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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Instruction for set 1:

Read the following passage and answer the next two questions.

Education, taken in its most extensive sense, is properly that which makes the man. One method of education, therefore, would only produce one kind of man; but the greater excellence of human nature consists in the variety of which it is capable. Instead then, of endeavouring, by uniform and fixed systems of education, to keep mankind always the same, let us give free scope to everything which may bid fair for introducing more variety among us. The varied character of the Athenians was certainly preferable to the uniform character of the brute creation. Among them, every species of bird builds its nest with the same materials and in the same form; the genius and disposition of one individual is that of all, and it is only the education which men give them that raises any of them much above others. But it is the glory of human nature that the operations of reason, through variable and by no means infallible, are capable of infinite improvement. We come into the world worse provided than any of the brutes; but when their faculties are at a full stand and their enjoyments incapable of variety or increase, our intellectual powers are growing apace; we are perpetually deriving happiness from new sources, and even before we leave this world, are capable of tasting the felicity of angels.

Question 2

Which of the following is true about the given passage?

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Instruction for set 2:


All the great religious teachers of mankind have insisted on this : that men ought not to live for themselves alone. We ought not, they have said, to spend all our time and energy in getting just what we want for ourselves, power and money and importance in the world; we ought to serve something greater than ourselves, whether a god or a cause or our fellowmen. It is by serving this something greater that men will forget themselves and so achieve happiness. This or something like it is what the great religions have taught, and it is one of the most important of the things that civilization means. It is also the hardest to learn and practise; in fact, most people have found it much too hard.

Question 3

Which of the following terms is closer to the central idea of the given passage?

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Instruction for set 2:


All the great religious teachers of mankind have insisted on this : that men ought not to live for themselves alone. We ought not, they have said, to spend all our time and energy in getting just what we want for ourselves, power and money and importance in the world; we ought to serve something greater than ourselves, whether a god or a cause or our fellowmen. It is by serving this something greater that men will forget themselves and so achieve happiness. This or something like it is what the great religions have taught, and it is one of the most important of the things that civilization means. It is also the hardest to learn and practise; in fact, most people have found it much too hard.

Question 4

What does the passage suggest overall?
(A) It suggests humanism as a religious practice.
(B) It holds nationalism as the most cherished sentiment in society.
(C) It holds altruism as a universal value.
(D) It holds humanism as the most important thing in human life.
(E) It puts altruism in the binary of selfishness.
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