CMAT 2025 Slot 2 Question Paper


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 31

In a certain code language, POETRY is written as QONDSQX. How is MORE written in that code language ?

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Question 32

Pointing towards a lady in the picture, Purnima said "She is the mother of Neha whose father is my son." How is Purnima related to the lady in the picture?

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Question 33

Consider the statements given below followed by two assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is/are implicit in the statement.
Statement : The company has recently announced a series of incentives to the employees who are punctual and sincere.
Assumption : I Those who are not punctual at present may get motivated by the announcement
Assumption : II The productivity of the company may increase.

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Question 34

If the triangle represents doctors, the circle represents teachers and the rectangle represents film-makers in the following diagram


Then which numbers represent teachers who are neither doctors nor film-makers ?

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Question 35

Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence and choose most appropriate sequence from the given alternatives.
A. Puberty
B. Adulthood
C. Childhood
D. Infancy
E. Adolescence
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

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Question 36

A dice is thrown three times and its three different positions are given below. The number on the face opposite the face showing 3 is:


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Question 37

A clock is set right at 11 am. The clock gains 12 minutes in a day. What will be the true time when the watch indicates 5 pm on the next day?

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Question 38

L, M, N, 0 , P, Q and Rare sitting around a circu lar table facing the centre. 0 is sitting between L and R. Q is second to the right of R and P is second to the right of Q. N is not
an immediate neighbour of R. Which of the following statements are correct?
A. P sits to the opposite of N
B. L sits exactly between O and P
C. M is third to the left of N
D. R is second to the right of L
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :

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Question 39

A statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II is given below. Assume everything in the statements to be true, consider the two conclusions and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement.
Statement : Any young man, who makes dowry as a condition for marriage, discredits himself and dishonours womanhood.
Conclusion: I Those who take dowry in marriage should be condemned by society
Conclusion : II Those who do not take dowry in marriage respect womanhood

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Question 40

Choose the correct word from the given alternatives which bears the same relationship to
the third word as the first two.
Anaemia : Blood : : Anarchy : ?

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