CLAT 2010


A principle/principles and a fact situation are given in question Nos. 151-
155. Decide only on the basis of the principle(s).

Question 151

(i) Neighbour principle-A person is liable if he harms his neighbour. A neighbour is one whose action affects another.
(ii) One is liable only tor contractual relations.
FACTS: X manufactures a food item and sells his food item to Y, a whole seller. V appoints Z, a retailer to retail these items. Z sells the food item to a consumer who after eating them falls ill. X is liable to the consumer because

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Question 152

(i) Freedom consists in making choices out of two or more alternatives
(ii) Everyone has freedom to speak
FACTS: X says his freedom to speech includes freedom not to speak. X’s assertion is

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Question 153

(i) A master is liable for the wrongful acts of his servant.
(ii) A person can be called a servant only if there is a relation of employment and he acts under the order and on behalf of his master.
FACTS: X bank launched a saving scheme for poor sections of the society and the customer can deposit Rs. 10 per day. Y an unemployed youth collected money from several customers, and on behalf of them deposited the money at the Bank every day.
The bank gave to Y a small commission. After sometime, Y disappeared without depositing the money given by the customers. The customers bring a suit alleging that the Bank is liable. Decide

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 154

X propounds the principle that everyone in this world always speaks lies. X wants to know whether this principle is logically true or false.

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Question 155

PRINCIPLE: howsoever enters into or upon the property in the possession of
another, with intent to commit an offence or to intimidate or annoy any person in
possession of the property, and remains there with intent thereby to intimidate or
annoy another person or with intent to commit an offence is guilty of criminal
FACTS: The accused entered at night into a house to carry on ultimate relations with
an unmarried major girl on her invitation and information that her family members are
absent. However, he was caught by her uncle before he could get away Is the accused
guilty of criminal trespass? He is

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Question 156

In a code every letter of the alphabet is replaced by some other letter. The code for the name Ram Kumar is

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Question 157

Four of the given five are alike in a certain way and form a group. Which is the one
that does not belong to that group
(I) 217 (II) 143 (III) 214 (IV) 157 (V) 131

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Question 158

Complete the Series: 3,1,10, 6, 33, 25,....,...

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Point out the entry which does not form a class with the other entries in question numbers 159 to 161.

Question 159
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Question 160
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