AP ICET 2017 Question Paper Shift-2


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 61

In a certain code language. if “SAND” is coded as ‘AIR’. ‘AIR’ is coded as ‘PLATEAU’, ‘PLATEAU’ is coded as ‘WELL’. ‘WELL’ is coded as ‘ISLAND’ and
‘ISLAND’ is coded as ‘SKY’, then where from water can be drawn in this code language?

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Question 62

In a code language. ‘CLOUD’ is called ‘WHITE’. ‘WHITE’ is called ‘RAIN’, ‘RAIN’ is called ‘GREEN’. ‘GREENis called ‘ATR’ and ‘AIR’ is called ‘BLUE’ and ‘BLUE’ is called ‘WATER’. Then where will the birds fly in this code language?

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Question 63

In a code language. ‘AIR’ is called ‘GREEN’. ‘GREEN’ is called “BLUE’. ‘BLUE’ is called ‘SKY’, ‘SKY’ is called “YELLOW’, ‘YELLOW’ is called ‘WATER’ and “WATER’ is called ‘PINK’. Then what is the colour of the clear sky in that code language?

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Question 64

In a code language. ‘SKY” is called ‘SEA’. ‘SEA’ is called ‘WATER’. ‘WATER’ is called ‘ATR’, ‘AIR’ is called ‘CLOUD’ and ‘CLOUD’ is called “RIVER”. Then what do we drink whenthirsty in that code language?

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Question 65

If ‘nitco sco tingo’ stand for ‘softer than flower’. ‘tingo rho mst’ stands for ‘sweet flower fragrance’ and ‘mst sco tmp’ stands for ‘sweet than smile’ then ‘fragrance’ stands for

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Question 66

If today is Sunday, what day of the week will it be after 54 days?

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Question 67

At what angle the hands of clock are inclined when the clock shows 15 minute past 5?

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Question 68

Two clocks beganto strike 12 together. One clock strikes its strokes in 33 seconds and the otherin 22 seconds. Whatis the interval of time betweenthe 6" stroke of thefirst clock and the $$10^{th}$$ stroke of the second?

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Question 69

X introduced Y saying “he is the husband of the grand daughter of the father of my father”. How is Y related to X?

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Question 70

If the first day of a non-leap year was Friday. then which wasthe last day of that year?

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